The programme is co-financed by the European Social Fund within the framework of the Operational Programme Knowledge Education Development, a non-competition project entitled ‘International scholarship exchange of doctoral students and academic staff’ , implemented within the framework of the Action specified in the application for project  No. POWR.

This edition of the programme was completed in 2022.


International scholarship exchange of doctoral students and academic staff

The objective
of the Programme is to create a financial support mechanism for scholarship exchange for doctoral students and academic staff. The Programme enables participation in short forms of education (lasting from 5 to 30 days) aimed at improving competences and qualifications. The project implemented under the PROM Programme will contribute to improving outgoing and incoming mobility of PhD students and researchers, including those from outside the EU.

The project implemented by the Institute of Human Genetics of the Polish Academy of Sciences within the framework of the PROM Program is addressed to PhD students and researchers of the IHG PAS and foreign partners. The Project is open to people under 40 years age.

Project implementation period: 1 October 2019 to 31 October 2021

The project activities include the following short forms of eduction:

  • active participation in foreign conference
  • participation in specialized course/training
  • one-month training stay in foreign institution in order to obtain materials for a  doctoral dissertation/gain international experience
  • participation in summer/winter school
  • participation in training courses (including training in entrepreneurship or implementation activities)
  • study visit
  • teaching assignment

Financing rules

Mobility of project participants will be financed under scholarships (scholarship agreement) covering co-financing of travel costs, health insurance, third party liability, accident insurance, costs of visa or stay legalization fees and subsistence costs according to the rates specified by the NAWA.

Flat-rate amounts for the programme (download).

Results of Recruitment: Ranking list I  (download),  Ranking list II ( (download), Ranking list III, Ranking list IV.

Documents relating to the PROM programme (applies to persons qualified to participate in the program)

  1. PROM Programme Regulations International Scholarship Exchange for Doctoral Students and Academic Staff
  2. Participant’s data form PROM 2019
  3. The contract between the IHG PAS and the Participant- draft
  4. Participant’s Declaration – POWER
  5. Participant’s Declaration – NAWA
  6. Confirmation of stay
  7. Financial settlement – draft
  8. Questionnaire

Disabled participants
The project is implemented in accordance with the principles of equal opportunities and non-discrimination, including accessibility for people with disabilities.
Persons with disabilities requiring additional support in the recruitment process or organisation of mobility are requested to contact the project staff (contact details below).

Grant Office, +48 61 65 79 156,