The title of professor of medical sciences in the discipline of medical biology

  1. Dr hab. Marzena Gajęcka
    By the decision from June 2 2016  the President of the Republic of Poland awarded Dr. hab. Marzena Gajęcka with the scientific title of professor of medical sciences.
  2. Dr. hab. med. sci. Grzegorz Przybylski – Resolution on supporting the application to have the title of professor awarded.
    By the decision from September 15-th 2017 the President of the Republic of Poland awarded Dr. hab. Grzegorz Przybylski with the scientific title of professor of medical sciences.
  3. Dr hab. n. med. Andrzej Pławski
    By the decision from July 30 2018  the President of the Republic of Poland awarded Dr. hab. Andrzej Pławski with the scientific title of professor of medical sciences.

Habilitations in medical science granted by the Scientific Council of the Institute of Human Genetics PAS

  1. Dr Małgorzata Dawidowska uzyskała stopień naukowy doktora habilitowanego nauk medycznych i nauk o zdrowiu w dyscyplinie nauki medyczne na podstawie osiągnięcia naukowego pt.: “Ostra białaczka limfoblastyczna u dzieci w ujęciu badań podstawowych i translacyjnych”,
    44th session of the Scientific Council at the Institute of Human Genetics PAS, Poznań, 16.10.2019 r.
  2. Dr Agnieszka Dzikiewicz-Krawczyk uzyskała stopień naukowy doktora habilitowanego nauk medycznych i nauk o zdrowiu w dyscyplinie nauki medyczne na podstawie osiągnięcia naukowego pt.: “Rola mikroRNA w paogenezie nowotworów hematologicznych”,
    44th session of the Scientific Council at the Institute of Human Genetics PAS, Poznań, 16.10.2019 r.
  3. Dr Marzena Skrzypczak-Zielińska uzyskała stopień naukowy doktora habilitowanego nauk medycznych i nauk o zdrowiu w dyscyplinie nauki medyczne na podstawie osiągnięcia naukowego pt.: “Molekularne aspekty badań farmakogenetycznych w nieswoistych chorobach zapalnych jelit i wrażliwości na anestetyki”,
    44th session of the Scientific Council at the Institute of Human Genetics PAS, Poznań, 16.10.2019 r.
  4. Dr Magdalena Żurawek uzyskała stopień naukowy doktora habilitowanego nauk medycznych w dyscyplinie biologia medyczna na podstawie rozprawy habilitacyjnej pt.: „Genetyczne i epigenetyczne czynniki związane z nieswoistą odpowiedzią immunologiczną w cukrzycy typu 1 i autoimmunologicznej chorobie Addisona (pierwotnej niedoczynności kory nadnereczy)”,
    42th session of the Scientific Council at the Institute of Human Genetics PAS, Poznań, 05.03.2019 r.
  5. Dr Ewa Strauss uzyskała stopień naukowy doktora habilitowanego nauk medycznych w dyscyplinie biologia medyczna na podstawie rozprawy habilitacyjnej pt.: „Heterogenność genetycznych uwarunkowań chorób układu krążenia”,
    42th session of the Scientific Council at the Institute of Human Genetics PAS, Poznań, 05.03.2019 r.
  6. Dr Monika Frączek was awarded the title of associate professor in medical sciences (medical biology discipline) based on the habilitation thesis entitled:  Mechanizmy patogenetyczne infekcji bakteryjnych w nasieniu ludzkim. Potencjalne biomarkery zapalne w nasieniu”.
    36th session of the Scientific Council at the Institute of Human Genetics PAS, Poznań, 21.02.2017 r.
  7. Dr Natalia Rozwadowska was awarded the title of associate professor in medical sciences (medical biology discipline) based on the habilitation thesis entitled: Charakterystyka molekularna oraz modyfikacja genetyczna mięśniowych komórek macierzystych w odniesieniu do ich przydatności w terapii regeneracyjnej”.
    36th session of the Scientific Council at the Institute of Human Genetics PAS, Poznań, 21.02.2017 r.
  8. Kamila Kusz-Zamelczyk was awarded the title of associate professor in medical sciences (medical biology discipline) based on the habilitation thesis entitled: “The role of NANOS and PUMILIO proteins in the development of male germ cells”.
    34th session of the Scientific Council at the Institute of Human Genetics PAS, Poznań, 20.06.2016 r.
  9. Maciej Giefing was awarded the title of associate professor in medical sciences (medical biology discipline) based on the habilitation thesis entitled: “Identification of genes related to classical Hodgkin lymphoma pathogenesis”.
    28th session of the Scientific Council at the Institute of Human Genetics PAS, Poznań, 26.06.2014 r.
  10. Małgorzata Jarmuż-Szymczak was awarded the title of associate professor in medical sciences (medical biology discipline) based on the habilitation thesis entitled: “Short arm of chromosome 21 analysis in breakpoint regions in the most frequent human robertsonian translocations and primate genomes”.
    25th session of the Scientific Council at the Institute of Human Genetics PAS, Poznań, 25.03.2013 r.

PhD degrees in medical sciences granted by the Scientific Council of the Institute of Human Genetics PAS

  1. Mgr inż. Michał Walczak
    Doctoral dissertation:  Badania farmakogenetyczne u pacjentów z chorobą Leśniowskiego-Crohna poddanych terapii anty-TFN.
    48th session of the Scientific Council at the Institute of Human Genetics PAS, Poznań, 31.05.2021 r.
    Mgr Julia Paczkowska
    Doctoral dissertation:  Identification of deregulated transcription factors and miRNAs – important regulome components in the pathogenesis of classical Hodghin lymphomy.
    48th session of the Scientific Council at the Institute of Human Genetics PAS, Poznań, 31.05.2021 r.
  2. Mgr Ewelina Kałużna
    Doctoral dissertation: Ekspresja i oddziaływanie wybranych mikroRNA z docelowymi mRNA w przewlekłym wirusowym zapaleniu wątroby typu C.
    46th session of the Scientific Council at the Institute of Human Genetics PAS, Poznań, 29.09.2020 r.
  3. Mgr Joanna Świerkowska
    Doctoral dissertation: Charakterystyka wybranych aspektów (epi)-genetycznych w wysokiej krótkowzroczności u polskich pacjentów.
    46th session of the Scientific Council at the Institute of Human Genetics PAS, Poznań, 29.09.2020 r.
    Mgr Maciej Śmiałek
    Doctoral dissertation: A global identification of mRNAs regulated by PUM1 and PUM2 and their protein cofactors, in the model of human seminoma (TCam-2).
    46th session of the Scientific Council at the Institute of Human Genetics PAS, Poznań, 29.09.2020 r.
  4. Mgr Anna Rugowska
    Doctoral dissertation: Wpływ ekspresji koneksyny 43 w ludzkich komórkach macierzystych pochodzenia miogennego na poziom zjawisk arytmogennych oraz na stopień przebudowy pozawałowego serca w modelu szczurzym.
    44th session of the Scientific Council at the Institute of Human Genetics PAS, Poznań, 16.10.2019 r.
  5. Mgr Bronisława Szarzyńska-Zawadzka
    Doctoral dissertation: Czynniki genetyczne w dziecięcej ostrej białaczce limfoblastycznej z prekursorów limfocytów T(TALL): ocena wartości prognostycznej i znaczenia w biologii choroby.
    44th session of the Scientific Council at the Institute of Human Genetics PAS, Poznań, 16.10.2019 r.
  6. Mgr Karolina Nowicka-Bauer
    Doctoral dissertation: Analiza proteomu plemnikowego – próba identyfikacji białek istotnych dla etiopatogenezy niepłodności męskiej.
    42th session of the Scientific Council at the Institute of Human Genetics PAS, Poznań, 05.03.2019 r.
  7. Mgr Kinga Bednarek
    Doctoral dissertation: Udział wybranych genów o potencjale onkogennym lub supresorowym w patogenezie płaskonabłonkowego raka krtani.
    42th session of the Scientific Council at the Institute of Human Genetics PAS, Poznań, 05.03.2019 r.
  8. Damian Janecki, MSc
    Doctoral dissertation: Posttranscriptional regulation of SPINDLINs, potential modulators of cell cycle and apoptosis in the model of human seminoma.
    41th session of the Scientific Council at the Institute of Human Genetics PAS, Poznań, Poznań, 08.10.2018
  9. Maciej Dąbrowski, MSc
    Doctoral dissertation: Aminoglycoside-stimulated translational readthrough of pramature termination codons in primary ciliary dyskinesia.
    40th session of the Scientific Council at the Institute of Human Genetics PAS, Poznań, Poznań, 26.06.2018
  10. Agnieszka Zimna, MSc
    Doctoral dissertation: Influence of hypoxia prevailing in post-infarction heart on proangiogenic gene expression and biological features of human myoblast cells applied as a pro-regenerative therapeutic tool.
    40th session of the Scientific Council at the Institute of Human Genetics PAS, Poznań, Poznań, 26.06.2018
  11. Jarosław Lewandowski, MSc
    Doctoral dissertation: The impact of in vitro cell culture duration on the maturation of cardiomyocytes derived from induced pluripotent stem cells of myogenic origin.
    38th session of the Scientific Council at the Institute of Human Genetics PAS, Poznań, Poznań, 24.10.2017
  12. Marcin Sajek, MSc
    Doctoral dissertation: The mechanism of posttranscriptional regulation of a tumor supresor SIAH1 by PUMILIO and NANOS proteins.
    32th session of the Scientific Council at the Institute of Human Genetics PAS, Poznań, 20.06.2016
  13. Paweł Boruń, MSc
    Doctoral dissertation: Development and optimization of new methods for the detection of hereditary cancer predisposition.
    32th session of the Scientific Council at the Institute of Human Genetics PAS, Poznań, 20.06.2016
  14. Marta Kaczmarek-Ryś, MSc Eng
    Doctoral dissertation: Analysis of mutations and polymorphisms in RET gene among patients with hereditary and sporadic medullary thyroid carcinoma.
    32th session of the Scientific Council at the Institute of Human Genetics PAS, Poznań, 20.06.2016
  15. Małgorzata Kurkowiak, MSc
    Doctoral dissertation: Analysis of new genes involved in Primary Cliary Dyskinesia (PCD).
    29th session of the Scientific Council at the Institute of Human Genetics PAS, Poznań, 24.11.2014
  16. Marcin Szaumkessel, MSc
    Doctoral dissertation: The analysis of Fanconi anemia/BRCA pathway genes in laryngeal carcinoma.
    28th session of the Scientific Council at the Institute of Human Genetics PAS, Poznań, 26.06.2014
  17. Magdalena Kostrzewska-Poczekaj, MSc
    Doctoral dissertation: Analysis of amplified chromosomal regions containing potential oncogenes in laryngeal squamous cell carcinoma.
    28th session of the Scientific Council at the Institute of Human Genetics PAS, Poznań, 26.06.2014
  18. Tomasz Kolanowski, MSc Eng
    Doctoral dissertation: Changes of nuclear architecture and transcriptome during differentiation process of human stem cells of myogenic origin.
    28th session of the Scientific Council at the Institute of Human Genetics PAS, Poznań, 26.06.2014
  19. Agnieszka Malcher, MSc
    Doctoral dissertation: Identification of genes critical for spermatogenetic process; an attempt to determine molecular markers of azoospermia.
    28th session of the Scientific Council at the Institute of Human Genetics PAS, Poznań, 26.06.2014
  20. Marta Olszewska, MSc Eng
    Doctoral dissertation: Cytogenetic analysis of spermatozoa and male germ cells in carriers of reciprocal chromosome translocations (RCTs) with reproductive failures.
    27th session of the Scientific Council at the Institute of Human Genetics PAS, Poznań, 3.04.2014
  21. Katarzyna Iżykowska, MSc
    Doctoral dissertation: Molecular characterization of deletion in the 6q23-27 region in Sezary Syndrome and T-cell large granular lymphocyte leukemia..
    25th session of the Scientific Council at the Institute of Human Genetics PAS, Poznań, 25.03.2013
  22. Dorota M. Nowak, MSc
    Doctoral dissertation: Genetic factors of keratoconus.
    24th session of the Scientific Council at the Institute of Human Genetics PAS, Poznań, 3.12.2012
  23. Agnieszka Dzikiewicz-Krawczyk, MSc
    Doctoral dissertation: Functional study of heterozygous mutations in the NBN gene.
    24th session of the Scientific Council at the Institute of Human Genetics PAS, Poznań, 3.12.2012
  24. Marta Podralska, MSc
    Doctoral dissertation: The genetic background of selected hamartoma polyposis.
    24th session of the Scientific Council at the Institute of Human Genetics PAS, Poznań, 3.12.2012
  25. Joanna Mikołajczyk-Stecyna, MSc
    Doctoral dissertation: Analysis of gene polymorphisms of selected metalloproteinases and their inhibitors in patients with abdominal aortic aneurysm or aortoiliac occlusive disease.
    24th session of the Scientific Council at the Institute of Human Genetics PAS, Poznań, 3.12.2012
  26. Kinga Tomczak, MD
    Doctoral dissertation: Analysis of gene expression using microarrays in in vitro differentiation of sceletal muscles.
    22nd session of the Scientific Council at the Institute of Human Genetics PAS, Poznań, 7.12.2011
  27. Monika Kraszewska, MSc
    Doctoral dissertation: Methylation, mutations and rearrangements of the genes involved in pathogenesis of the T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia (T-ALL).
    22nd session of the Scientific Council at the Institute of Human Genetics PAS, Poznań, 7.12.2011
  28. Małgorzata Rydzanicz, MSc
    Doctoral dissertation: Mutational screening of the mitochondrial 12S rRNA gene in Polish patients with aminoglycoside-induced hearing loss.
    21st session of the Scientific Council at the Institute of Human Genetics PAS, Poznań, 17.06.2011
  29. Urszula Skrzypczak, MSc Eng
    Doctoral dissertation: Analysis of the nucleotide sequence variation of DNAH5 gene in patients with primary ciliary dyskinesia.
    19th session of the Scientific Council at the Institute of Human Genetics PAS, Poznań, 29.11.2010
  30. Ewa Strauss, MSc
    Doctoral dissertation: Selected polymorphisms of MTHFR and PON1 genes and the incidence of coronary and aorto-iliac atherosclerosis and abdominal aortic aneurysms.
    19th session of the Scientific Council at the Institute of Human Genetics PAS, Poznań, 29.11.2010
  31. Katarzyna Kiwerska, MSc
    Doctoral dissertation: Loss of heterozygosity in the regions harboring anticancer tumor suppressor genes in laryngeal cancer.
    18th session of the Scientific Council at the Institute of Human Genetics PAS, Poznań, 8.03.2010
  32. Iwona Ziółkowska-Suchanek, MSc
    Doctoral dissertation: Mutations and polymorphisms of the NBS1 gene in multiple primary tumors.
    15th session of the Scientific Council at the Institute of Human Genetics PAS, Poznań, 4.12.2008
  33. Maciej Giefing, MSc
    Doctoral dissertation: Molecular characteristic of chromosomal aberrations in classical Hodgkin lymphoma and laryngeal squamous cell carcinoma cell lines.
    15th session of the Scientific Council at the Institute of Human Genetics PAS, Poznań, 4.12.2008
  34. Magdalena Żurawek, MSc
    Doctoral dissertation: GCK and HNF1α mutations and polymorphisms in Polish women with gestational diabetes.
    12th session of the Scientific Council at the Institute of Human Genetics PAS, Poznań, 28.09.2007
  35. Maria Mosor, MSc
    Doctoral dissertation: Mutations and polymorphisms in NBS1 gene in children with acute lymphoblastic leukemia.
    12th session of the Scientific Council at the Institute of Human Genetics PAS, Poznań, 28.09.2007
  36. Monika Frączek, MSc
    Doctoral dissertation: Male reproductive tract inflammation and oxidative metabolism in sperm.
    8th session of the Scientific Council at the Institute of Human Genetics PAS, Poznań, 7.02.2006