
  1. Alicja Radajewska, MSc – Deputy Director for Administration
  2. Aleksandra Jakubowska-Pawłowska – Independent Clerk
  3. Marta Anders, MSc – Research Coordinator
  4. Wojciech Cieśliński, MSc – Accountant
  5. Piotr Dobry, MSc – Specialist
  6. Joanna Dolatkowska, Independent Clerk
  7. Ewa Gołębiewska, MSc – Scientific Secretary
  8. Katarzyna Janke, MSc – Specialist
  9. Marcin Kęsikiewicz – IT specialist
  10. Katarzyna Kubinek, MSc – Research Coordinator
  11. Katarzyna Kuźniewska – Lab technician
  12. Joanna Łobza MSc – Independent Clerk
  13. Anna Roszkiewicz, MSc – Chief Accountant
  14. Monika Rusiłowska, MSc – Independent Accountant
  15. Przemysław Witaszak, Clerk
  16. Tomasz Woźniak – Assistant professor
  17. Arleta Zachodnia – Lab technician
  18. Grzegorz Zamelczyk – Independent Clerk


The most important tasks of the administrative unit of IHG PAS include:

  1.  ensuring the organizational and administrative operating performance of the Institute,
  2.  drafting internal legal acts,
  3.  supervising the investment expenditure and operational supply of the Institute,
  4.  executing procedures of public procurement,
  5.  proper management of the Institute’s assets,
  6.  carrying out investments, renovations and repairs to equipment,
  7.  supervising the maintenance/servicing of equipment, telephone communications and internal/external computer networks,
  8.  ensuring implementation of and compliance with health and safety regulations,
  9.  carrying out inspections aimed at preventing fallacious or illegal acts; this includes drafting contracts, agreements and other documents that involve financial and economic implications, and
  10.  maintaining tidiness in the Institute.
