1. Timetable of the lecture “BIOINFORMATICS” – summer semester 2024/2025
  2. SYLLABUS of the lecture “BIOINFORMATICS” – summer semester 2024/2025

summer semester 2024/2025

(This lecture is optional)

Lectures will be held in hybrid mode.

Data Temat
12 March


14:30 -16:00

Introduction to bioinformatics.

High-throughput ‘omics’ methods in bioinformatics

(dr Marcin Sajek)

18 March 

15:30 -17:00 

On-line only

Statistical methods used in high-throughput data analysis

(dr hab. Tomasz Górecki)

26 March 


Programming languages and on-line bioinformatic tools

(dr Tomasz Woźniak)

2 April

14:30 -16:00

Whole molecule sequencing methods and their applications

(dr Marcin Sajek)

9 April 

14:30 -16:00

Introduction to machine learning

(dr Marcin Sajek)

29 April

13:00 -14:30

Single cell and spatial omics

(Yukie Kashima, University of Tokyo, Karolinska Institute, Stockholm

13 June

11:45 -13:45

Quality assessment of 3D RNA structures

(dr hab. Maciej Antczak, Institute of Computing Science Poznan University of Technology

20 June

9:45 -11:15

Modeling of proteins and RNA tertiary structure

(dr hab. Maciej Antczak, Institute of Computing Science Poznan University of Technology)


Summer semester 2024/2025

Host Institution Institute of Human GeneticsPolish Academy of Sciences

Strzeszyńska Street, 32

Language English
The expected effects of teaching in terms of:  knowledge, skills and social qualifications Ph. D. student is supposed to gain knowledge about bioinformatics and computational biology including genomics, transcriptomics and structural biology. Lectures will contain information about methods of statistical analysis of high-throughput data, basics of programming and machine learning and artificial intelligence algorithms in computational biology.

Type of course optional
Semester/year summer semester 2024/2025
First name/family name of the person responsible for the course Prof. UAM dr hab. Tomasz Górecki, prof. PP dr hab. Maciej Antczak, prof. Yukie Kashima, dr Tomasz Woźniak, dr Marcin Sajek
First name/family name of the person responsible for the exam dr Marcin Sajek
Format Lecture will be held in English with usage of audio-visual equipment.
Basic and additional requirements Skills in English and knowledge in molecular biology and mathematics
Number of ECTSs 2 ECTS
ECTSs summary 1 ECTS corresponds to 25-30 hours of personal studies focused on broadening knowledge based on suggested bibliography (vide bibliography list below).
Method of teaching Lectures will be held using power point presentation and a multimedia projector
Method  of evaluation oral exam
Prerequisite for passing Positive score at the exam
Topics sequencing methods and analysis of sequencing data

-statistical methods in highthroughput data analysis

-programming languages

-biological databases

-methods for single molecule sequencing

-introduction to machine learning

-spatial transcriptomics

-single cell sequencing

-RNA and protein structure prediction

-AI algorithms in structural biology

Additional material Presentation of each lecture in PDF format
Bibliography Will be suggested later