- Timetable of the lecture “BIOINFORMATICS” – summer semester 2024/2025
- SYLLABUS of the lecture “BIOINFORMATICS” – summer semester 2024/2025
summer semester 2024/2025
(This lecture is optional)
Lectures will be held in hybrid mode.
Data | Temat |
12 March
14:30 -16:00 |
Introduction to bioinformatics.
High-throughput ‘omics’ methods in bioinformatics (dr Marcin Sajek) |
18 March
15:30 -17:00 On-line only |
Statistical methods used in high-throughput data analysis
(dr hab. Tomasz Górecki) |
26 March
14:30-16:00 |
Programming languages and on-line bioinformatic tools
(dr Tomasz Woźniak) |
2 April
14:30 -16:00 |
Whole molecule sequencing methods and their applications
(dr Marcin Sajek) |
9 April
14:30 -16:00 |
Introduction to machine learning
(dr Marcin Sajek) |
29 April
13:00 -14:30 |
Single cell and spatial omics
(Yukie Kashima, University of Tokyo, Karolinska Institute, Stockholm |
13 June
11:45 -13:45 |
Quality assessment of 3D RNA structures
(dr hab. Maciej Antczak, Institute of Computing Science Poznan University of Technology |
20 June
9:45 -11:15 |
Modeling of proteins and RNA tertiary structure
(dr hab. Maciej Antczak, Institute of Computing Science Poznan University of Technology) |
Summer semester 2024/2025
Host Institution | Institute of Human GeneticsPolish Academy of Sciences
Strzeszyńska Street, 32 |
Language | English |
The expected effects of teaching in terms of: knowledge, skills and social qualifications | Ph. D. student is supposed to gain knowledge about bioinformatics and computational biology including genomics, transcriptomics and structural biology. Lectures will contain information about methods of statistical analysis of high-throughput data, basics of programming and machine learning and artificial intelligence algorithms in computational biology.
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Type of course | optional |
Semester/year | summer semester 2024/2025 |
First name/family name of the person responsible for the course | Prof. UAM dr hab. Tomasz Górecki, prof. PP dr hab. Maciej Antczak, prof. Yukie Kashima, dr Tomasz Woźniak, dr Marcin Sajek |
First name/family name of the person responsible for the exam | dr Marcin Sajek |
Format | Lecture will be held in English with usage of audio-visual equipment. |
Basic and additional requirements | Skills in English and knowledge in molecular biology and mathematics |
Number of ECTSs | 2 ECTS |
ECTSs summary | 1 ECTS corresponds to 25-30 hours of personal studies focused on broadening knowledge based on suggested bibliography (vide bibliography list below). |
Method of teaching | Lectures will be held using power point presentation and a multimedia projector |
Method of evaluation | oral exam |
Prerequisite for passing | Positive score at the exam |
Topics | sequencing methods and analysis of sequencing data
-statistical methods in high–throughput data analysis -programming languages -biological databases -methods for single molecule sequencing -introduction to machine learning -spatial transcriptomics -single cell sequencing -RNA and protein structure prediction -AI algorithms in structural biology |
Additional material | Presentation of each lecture in PDF format |
Bibliography | Will be suggested later |