Dr. Szymon Hryhorowicz joined the Department of Nucleic Acid Functions in 2014. He is a graduate of the interdisciplinary PhD program at the NanoBioMedical Center, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan, Poland.

He specializes in mutation studies, SNPs, gene expression and sequencing research.

Dr. Hryhorowicz’s research interests focus on the role of the endocannabinoid system in inflammatory bowel disease. In particular, on the molecular mechanisms controlling the activation of CB1 and CB2 cannabinoid receptors in mucosal inflammation and the expression profile of genes involved in cannabinoid metabolism.

He has held foreign internships at Max Delbrück Center for Molecular Medicine in Berlin and China National Research Institute of Food and Fermentation Industries in Beijing.



26-29 March 2015
Milan, Italy

„Polymorphic variants of LRP5 gene in Polish men with primary osteoporosis: a pilot study”

27-29 March 2014

„NFKBIA polymorphic variant c.*126G>A may be associated with increased risk of differentiated thyroid cancer in Polish patients”

19-21 March 2014
Essen, Germany

„Variant c.*126G>A (rs696) in NFKBIA gene as a risk allele in Polish patients with differentiated thyroid cancer”

31 may – 03 June 2014
Milan, Italy

„LRP5 gene polymorphism V667M (rs4988321) in man with osteoporosis and Polish population - a pilot study”

8-13 June 2013
Paris, France

„Variant c.723A in cyclin D1 gene (CCND1) as a risk allele in differentiated thyroid cancer occurring”

23 – 26 June 2012
Nürnberg, Germany

„ ICAM-1 and CCR5 gene polymorphism and susceptibility to abdominal aortic aneurysm or aortoiliac occlusive disease” „Analysis of frequency CHEK2 gene sequence variants: R145W and I157L in Polish patients with differentiated thyroid cancer and Polish population” „Lack of association between ERCC2 K751Q polymorphism and thyroid cancer risk”

13 - 16 June 2011
Poznan, Poland

„Analysis of frequency ERCC2 gene polymorphism(rs3916891) In Polish patients with differentaiated thyroid cancer” ,

28 – 31 May 2011
Amsterdam, The Netherlands

„Analysis of frequency TNFa gene polymorphism (rs361525) in Polish patients with differentiated thyroid cancer” „Genotyping of ATG16L1 rs2241879 and IL23R rs1004819 polymorphisms among Polish patients with Crohn’s disease and localization of symptoms in gastrointestinal tract” „Analysis of frequency ERCC2 gene polymorphism (rs3916891) in Polish patients with differentiated thyroid cancer”; “Analysis of frequency CCND1 gene polymorphism (rs3862792) in Polish patients with differentiated thyroid cancer”

12 – 15 June 2010
Gothenburg, Sweden

„Analysis of frequency NFKBIA gene polymorphism (rs696) in Polish patients with differentiated thyroid cancer”, „Analysis of two polymorphisms in genes suspected to take part in Crohn’s disease among Polish patients”


prof. dr hab. n. med. Ryszard Słomski
dr n. roln. Szymon Hryhorowicz
dr n. med. Marta Kaczmarek-Ryś
dr n. przyr. Aleksandra Korcz
Publication of the year 2019
Given by: Director of the Institute of Human Genetics PAS

Award of the Director of the Institute of Human Genetics of the Polish Academy of Sciences for a review entitled "Allosteric Modulation of Cannabinoid Receptor 1 — Current Challenges and Future Opportunities” published in the International Journal of Molecular Sciences, which was awarded the title of PUBLICATION OF THE YEAR 2019.

Awarded: dr n. roln. Szymon Hryhorowicz
Award for the best original publication in 2018
Given by: Director of the Institute of Human Genetics PAS

the best original publication in 2018 entitled: "Modifying impact of RET gene haplotypes on medullary thyroid carcinoma clinical course" published in the prestigious journal Endocrine-Related Cancer

Awarded: dr n. roln. Szymon Hryhorowicz
Given by: Provincial Labour Office in Poznań

1. „Scholarship support for PH.D. students specializing in majors strategic for Wielkopolska’s development”, Sub-measure 8.2.2 Human Capital Operational Programme, co-financed by European Union under the European Social Fund. Wojewódzki Urząd Pracy w Poznaniu 2012-2013

Awarded: dr n. roln. Szymon Hryhorowicz
„Best PhD students science scholarship”
Given by: The Vice-Chancellor of Adam Mickiewicz University

„Best PhD students science scholarship” Faculty of Phisics UAM, 2012-2013