I am an Assistant Professor at the Department of Molecular and Clinical Genetics. I am interested in primary ciliary dyskinesia, which is a genetic disorder causing impaired movement of cilia present in different systems of human organism. In my research, I employ many methods, which use cells from respiratory epithelium, including in vitro ciliogenesis of primary respiratory epithelial cells, high-speed videomicroscopy (SAVA software) and immunofluorescent staining of ciliary proteins.
dr hab. n. med. i n. o zdr. Zuzanna Bukowy-Bieryłło
Conservation of OFD1 Protein Motifs: Implications for Discovery of Novel Interactors and the OFD1 Function.
Jagodzik P, Ziętkiewicz E, Bukowy-Bieryłło Z
Int.J Mol Sci (MDPI). 2025, 26 (3), 1167, 22 strony, do: 10.3390/ijms26031167IF-4.9 MNiSW-140
Validation of Polish-Language Questionnaires for Assessing the Quality of Life of Patients with Primary Ciliary Dyskinesia (PCD-QOL).
Roszak MA, Bręborowicz A, Szczepankiewicz A, Mikoś M, Bukowy-Bieryłło Z, Więckowska B, Behan L, Dmeńska H, Goździk-Spychalska J, Nowicka A, Sapiejka E, Famulska P, Gąsecka E,
Pogorzelski A, Wojsyk-Banaszak I
Adv Respir Med, 2024 Jun 24; 92(4):254-262. doi: 10.3390/arm92040025.IF-1.8 MNiSW-40
Editorial: Perspectives for Primary Ciliary Dyskinesia. This article belongs to the Special Issue on “Primary Ciliary Dyskinesis: Genetics, Molecular Mechanisms Diagnostic and Therapeutic Perspectives”,
Bukowy-Bieryłło Z, Witt M, Ziętkiewicz E
Int J Mol Sci (MDPI) 2022, 23 (8), 4122; 4 strony, doi.org/10.3390/ijms23084122IF-5,924 MNiSW-140
Special Issue on “Primary Ciliary Dyskinesia: Genetics, Molecular Mechanisms, Diagnostic and Therapeutic Perspectives.
Witt M, Ziętkiewicz E, Bukowy-Bieryllo Z (guest editors)
Int J Molec Sci (MDPI), closed Dec 30, published 2022IF-5,923 MNiSW-80
In vitro differentiation of ciliated cells in ALI-cultured human airway epithelium - The framework for functional studies on airway differentiation in ciliopathies.
Bukowy-Bieryłło Z, Daca-Roszak P, Jurczak J, Przystałowska-Macioła H, Jaksik R, Witt M, Ziętkiewicz E
European Journal of Cell Biology, 101, 2022; 151189, doi.org/10.1016/j.ejcb.2021.151189IF-4,492 MNiSW-100
Long term differentiating primary human airway epithelial cell cultures: how far are we?
Bukowy-Bieryłło Z
Cell Commun Signaling, 2021, 19: e63, https://doi.org/10.1186/s12964-021-00740-zIF-4,344 MNiSW-140
Properties of non-aminoglycoside compounds used to stimulate translational readthrough of PTC mutations in Primary Ciliary Dyskinesia.
Dąbrowski M, Bukowy-Bieryłło Z, Jackson CL, Ziętkiewicz E
Int J Mol Sci, 2021, 22, 4923, 14 str.IF-4,556 MNiSW-140
International consensus guideline for reporting transmission electron microscopy results in the diagnosis of Primary Ciliary Dyskinesia (BEAT PCD TEM Criteria).
Shoemark A, Boon M, Brochhausen C, Bukowy-Bieryllo Z, Margherita De Santi M, Goggin P, Griffin P, Hegele RG, Hirst RA, Leigh MW, Lupton A, MacKenney K, Omran H, Pache JC, Pinto A, Reinholt FP, Schroeder J, Yiallouros P, Escudier E
Eur Respir J, 2020 Apr 16; 55(4). doi: 10.1183/13993003.00725-2019, Epub 2020 Feb 14IF-12,339 MNiSW-200
Large expert-curated database for bench marking document similarity detection in biomedical literature search.
Brown P, Zhou Y, RELISH Consortium (ok. 1450 autorów, w tym: Bukowy-Bieryllo Z);
Database (J Biol.Database & Curation), 2019, 1–66, doi: 10.1093/database/baz085.IF-3,638 MNiSW-100
Truncating mutations in exons 20 and 21 of OFD1 can cause primary ciliary dyskinesia without associated syndromic symptoms.
Bukowy-Bieryllo Z, Rabiasz A, Dabrowski M, Pogorzelski A, Wojda A, Dmenska H, Grzela K, Sroczynski J, Witt M, Zietkiewicz E;
J Medical Genet, 2019, 56 (11): 769-777.
All publications
20-22 september 2014 Where:
„Primary ciliary dyskinesia – modern diagnostic approaches”
25-26 november 2011 Where:
“HealthProt Symposium on Inherited Disorders of Respiratory Cilia Dysfunction”
dr n. med. Maciej Dąbrowski
dr hab. n. med. i n. o zdr. Zuzanna Bukowy-Bieryłło
prof. dr hab. n. med. Michał Witt
prof. dr hab. n. med. Ewa Ziętkiewicz
Award for the poster
Poster: "Translational suppression of premature termination codons in selected genes involved in primary ciliary dyskinesia". Paris, France, 26-30.04.2016 r.
dr hab. n. med. i n. o zdr. Zuzanna Bukowy-Bieryłło
dr n. med. Maciej Dąbrowski
prof. dr hab. n. med. Michał Witt
prof. dr hab. n. med. Ewa Ziętkiewicz
Gold Helix
Poster title: „Application of translational readthrough of premature termination codons (PTCs) in primary ciliary dyskinesia pathogenesis” Dabrowski M, Bukowy-Bieryllo Z, Witt M, Zietkiewicz E, presented in session: "Selected genetic disorders in paediatrics, internal medicine, neurology and psychiatry"
dr n. med. Maciej Dąbrowski
dr hab. n. med. i n. o zdr. Zuzanna Bukowy-Bieryłło
prof. dr hab. n. med. Michał Witt
prof. dr hab. n. med. Ewa Ziętkiewicz
“Golden Helix"
For the poster “Use of translational readthrough of premature STOP codons (PTC readthrough) in pathogenesis of primary ciliary dyskinesia” (IV Polish Genetics Congress, Poznań, 10-13 September 2013).
Nagroda za najlepszą pracę doktorską w roku 2009
Nagroda za najlepszą pracę doktorską w roku 2009, Rada Naukowa Instytutu Biochemii i Biofizyki PAN w Warszawie (marzec 2010)
Stypendium słuchacza Studium Medycyny Molekularnej
Stypendium słuchacza Studium Medycyny Molekularnej w Warszawie (10.2006 – 09.2007)