New investment in the Institute

The Ministry of Education and Science awarded the Institute of Human Genetics PAS a grant of PLN 4 898 057.03 for the purchase of research equipment ‘PANAKEIA – Platform for confocal analysis and tissue electrophysiology of atomic forces’.

Journal of Applied Genetics with IF 3.24

The Journal of Applied Genetics published by Springer Nature and co-edited at our institute has achieved an Impact Factor of 3.24. This is a major advance for the journal in the Journal Citation Reports ranking. The IF of the journal increased 1.21 points during the last year.

HR Excellence in Research awarded for the next 3 years

The European Commission decided to maintain and extend the right to use the HR Excellence in Research award for the Institute of Human Genetics PAS for the next three years, recognizing the implementation of the Institute’s HR4R Strategy as systematic and consistent with the description in the Action Plan.