I am a graduate of Master Degree in Biotechnology at Poznań University of Life Sciences. Since October 2016 I am a PhD student in Department of Molecular and Clinical Genetics. My research is focused on analysis of miRNA expression profile in childhood T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia (T-ALL) and functional studies of influence of inhibition and mimicry of chosen miRNA on leukemia cells cultures.



Awarded: dr n. med. i n. o zdr. Monika Drobna-Śledzińska
2 Nagrodę w Specjalności Genetyka człowieka.
Given by: ZG PTG

W ramach II edycji konkursu organizowanego przez Polskie Towarzystwo Genetyczne na najlepszą pracę oryginalną oraz rozprawę doktorską w zakresie genetyki z 2023 roku

Awarded: dr n. med. i n. o zdr. Monika Drobna-Śledzińska
START is a scholarship programme for the best young researchers representing all fields of science. Grant can be used for any purpose, is intended to provide financial support to researchers at early stage of their research career and to enable them implementation of research plans.

Given by: Foundationf for Polish Science START

For the 31st time, the Foundation for Polish Science awarded START scholarships to the most talented young scientists from all over Poland. This year, 100 young researchers will receive it, including Monika Drobna-Śledzińska, PhD student from the Department of Molecular and Clinical Genetics.
START is a scholarship programme for the best young researchers representing all fields of science. Grant can be used for any purpose, is intended to provide financial support to researchers at early stage of their research career and to enable them implementation of research plans.

Awarded: dr n. med. i n. o zdr. Monika Drobna-Śledzińska
Given by: Director IBCH PAS

Scholarship 2020/21

Awarded: dr n. med. i n. o zdr. Monika Drobna-Śledzińska
Scholarship from the City of Poznań for young researchers
Given by: Scholarship of City of Poznań

Monika Drobna, MSc. – PhD student from the Department of Molecular and Clinical Genetics has received a scholarship from the City of Poznań for young researchers for outstanding scientific activity and scientific achievements in the field of molecular research including microRNA, which are the basis of childhood T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia.

Awarded: dr n. med. i n. o zdr. Monika Drobna-Śledzińska
Honorable mention
Given by: Poznań branch of the Polish Academy of Sciences

Monika Drobna, MSc, was granted a honorable mention in the contest for the best original paper published in 2018, with a PhD student as the leading author, organized by the Poznań branch of the Polish Academy of Sciences. The work entitled „Identification of endogenous control miRNAs for RT-qPCR in T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia” [Drobna M, Szarzyńska-Zawadzka B, Daca-Roszak P, Kosmalska M, Jaksis R, Witt M, Dawidowska M; Int J Mol Sci, 2018, 19 (10): e2858].

Awarded: dr n. med. i n. o zdr. Monika Drobna-Śledzińska
Award for the best review publication in 2018
Given by: Director of the Institute of Human Genetics PAS

the best review publication in 2018 entitled: "T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia from miRNA perspective" published in the prestigious journal Blood Reviews

Awarded: dr n. med. i n. o zdr. Monika Drobna-Śledzińska
Stypendia dla Najlepszych Doktorantów na rok akademicki 2018/2019,
Given by: Środowiskowe Studium Doktoranckie Instytutu Chemii Bioorganicznej PAN

Awarded: dr n. med. i n. o zdr. Monika Drobna-Śledzińska
Award in “City of Poznań Award for outstanding master thesis” contest for a thesis entitled “In vitro evaluation of the biofunctionalized nanoparticles’ effectiveness”.
Given by: Award in “City of Poznań Award for outstanding master thesis”.

Poznań 10 April 2017