New publications – book chapters.

The monograph entitled “Research and Development by Young Scientists in Poland”, ed. by Jacek Leśny and Jędrzej Nyćkowiak, ISBN- 978-83-65362-90-2, 2016, contains four chapters authored by staff members of our Institute.

New publication: Primary Ciliary Dyskinesia (Kartagener Syndrome).

Witt M, Bukowy-Bieryłło Z
W: Epstein’s inborn errors of development: The molecular basis of clinical disorders of morphogenesis, Ciliary  functions: Genesis, transport, and reabsorbtion, 3rd edition, Editors: Robert P. Erickson, Anthony J. Wynshaw-Boris, Oxford Monographs on Medical Genetics, ISBN 9780199934522, 8 September 2016, str. 221-227; MNiSW-5