Jones GT, Tromp G, Kuivaniemi H, Gretarsdottir S, Baas AF, Giusti B, Strauss E et al.
Circ Res, 2017, 120: 341-353, IF-13.965, MNSiW-50
New publication
New publication: Genetic background of aberrant thermogenin expression (UCP1) in obesity leading to metabolic syndrome.
Stosio M, Witkowicz A, Kowalska A, Karabon L
Postep Hig Med Dosw, 2016, 70:1389-1403,IF-0,769, MNSiW-15.
New publication: Interleukin 10 gene single nucleotide polymorphisms in Polish patients with chronic hepatitis C: analysis of association with severity of disease and treatment outcome.
Świątek-Kościelna B, Kałużna E, Strauss E, Januszkiewicz-Lewandowska D, Bereszyńska I, Wysocki J, Rembowska J, Barcińska D, Antosik D, Mozer-Lisewska I, Nowak J
Hum Immunol, 2017, 78 (2): 192-200, IF-2.311, MNSiW-20.
New publication: Induction of expression of aryl hydrocarbon receptor-dependent genes in human HepaRG cell line modified by shRNA and treated with β-naphthoflavone.
Brauze D, Zawierucha P, Kiwerska K, Bednarek K, Oleszak M, Rydzanicz M, Jarmuż-Szymczak M
Mol Cell Biochem, 2017 425 (1-2): 59-75, IF-2.669, MNSiW-20
New publication Safety, feasibility and effectiveness of first in-human administration of muscle-derived stem/progenitor cells modified with connexin-43 gene for treatment of advanced chronic heart failure.
Gwizdala A, Rozwadowska N, Kolanowski TJ, Malcher A, Cieplucha A, Perek B, Seniuk W, Straburzynska-Migaj E, Oko-Sarnowska Z, Cholewinski W, Michalak M, Grajek S, Kurpisz M
Eur J Heart Fail, 2017 Jan;19 (1):148-157, IF-6,986, MNiSW-40.
New publication: Global methylation status of sperm DNA in carriers of chromosome structural aberrations.
Olszewska M, Barciszewska MZ, Frączek M, Huleyuk N, Chernykh VB, Zastavna D, Barciszewski J, Kurpisz M
Asian Journal of Andrology, 2017, 19: 117-124, IF-2.996, MNiSW-40.
New publication: Antispermal antibodies in prepubertal boys with immunopathology.
Havrylyuk A, Chopyak V, Bojko J, Nakonechnyy A, Kamieniczna M, Kurpisz M
Experimental and Clinical Physiology and Biochemistry, 2016, 3 (75): 66-74.
New publication: Does vaccination ensure protection? Assessing diphtheria and tetanus antibody levels in a population of healthy children. A cross-sectional study.
Gowin E, Wysocki J, Kałużna E, Swiątek-Kościelna B, Wysocka-Leszczyńska J, Michalak M, Januszkiewicz-Lewandowska
Medicine (Baltimore), 2016, 95 (49): e5571, IF-2.133, MNiSW-40.
New publication: Immune chemistry of ASA.
Kurpisz M, Kamieniczna M, Nowicka-Bauer K
In: Immune Infertility. Impact of Immune Reactions of Human Fertility. Second Edition (Eds. Krause WKH, Naz RK), Springer Int. Publ., ISBN: 978-3-319-40786-9, 2017: 109-123.
New publication: Is hyperhomocysteinemia a causal factor for heart failure? The impact of the functional variants of MTHFR and PON1 on ischemic and non-ischemic etiology.
Strauss E, Supiński W, Radziemski A, Oszkinis G, Pawlak AL, Głuszek J
International Journal of Cardiology, 2017, 228: 37-44; IF-6.189, MNiSW-35