I am a graduate of Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan. I received my master’s degree in biotechnology by defending my thesis entitled: ” New therapeutic targets in Burkitt’s lymphoma” where I used, among others, CRISPR/Cas9 genome editing techniques and growth inhibition of ST486 cell line (Burkitt’s lymphoma) using commercially available inhibitors.

I carried out my master’s thesis at the Institute of Human Genetics of the Polish Academy of Sciences, under the supervision of dr hab. n. med. i n. o zdr. Agnieszki  Dzikiewicz-Krawczyk.

Currently, at the Institute, I am involved in the Sonata Bis 10 project entitled. “Study of chromosome localization in human spermatozoa with different degrees of chromatin integrity and differences in epigenetic markers, taking into account karyotypes and individual sperm fractions”.

My interests also oscillate around the issues of forensic genetics and bioinformatics.