The Department of Molecular and Clinical Genetics has a broad range of scientific interests. The Department conducts studies on the genetics of cystic fibrosis, primary ciliary dyskinesia and diseases related to genetically determined defects of motile cilia. Department also investigates the molecular and genetic aspects of hematologic diseases (especially acute T-cell lymphoblastic leukemia), as well as monitoring of the treatment response (so called residual disease). Last, but not least, we conduct research on issues related to the genetic diversity of human populations. In all cases, we are interested not only in broadening of the basic knowledge, but also its practical application.
Department of Molecular and Clinical Genetics
Featured publications
Conservation of OFD1 Protein Motifs: Implications for Discovery of Novel Interactors and the OFD1 Function.
Jagodzik P, Ziętkiewicz E, Bukowy-Bieryłło Z
Int.J Mol Sci (MDPI). 2025, 26 (3), 1167, 22 strony, do: 10.3390/ijms26031167IF-4.9 MNiSW-140
Association of endothelial nitric oxide synthase (NOS3) rs2070744 variant with advanced retinopathy of prematurity: a case–control study and meta-analysis.
Chorężak-Michalak A, Szpecht D, Woźniak T, Chmielarz-Czarnocińska A, Gazińska P, Gotz-Więckowska A, Strauss E
Sci Rep, 2025, 15: 329, doi: 10.1038/s41598-024-83305-7IF-3.8 MNiSW-140
Focal deletions of a promoter tether activate the IRX3 oncogene in T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia.
Rahman S, Bloye G, Farah N, Demeulemeester J, Costa JR, O’Connor D, Pocock R, Rapoz-D’Silva T, Turna A, Wang L, Lee S, Fielding AK, Roels J, Jaksik R, Dawidowska M, Van Vlierberghe P, Hadjur S, Hughes JR, Davies JOJ, Gutierrez A, Kelliher MA, Van Loo P, Dawson MA, Mansour MR
Blood. 2024 Nov 28;144(22):2319-2326. doi: 10.1182/blood.2024024300. PMID: 39316719.IF-21 MNiSW-200
Comparative efficacy of animal depression models and antidepressant treatment: A systematic review and meta-analysis.
Ratajczak P, Martyński J, Zięba JK, Switło K, Kopciuch D, Paczkowska A, Zaprutko T, Kus K
Pharmaceutics, 2024, 16 (9): 1-25. doi: 10.3390/pharmaceutics16091144IF-4.9 MNiSW-100
Analyses of 1,236 genotyped primary ciliary dyskinesia individuals identify regional clusters of distinct DNA variants and significant genotype-phenotype correlations.
Raidt J, Riepenhausen S, Pennekamp P, Olbrich H, Amirav I, Athanazio RA, Aviram M, Balinotti JE, Bar-On O, Bode SF, Boon M, Borrelli M, Carr SB, Crowley S, Dehlink E, Diepenhorst S, Durdik P, Dworniczak B, Emiralioğlu N, Erdem E, Fonnesu R, Gracci S, Große-Onnebrink J, Gwozdziewicz K, Haarman EG, Hansen CR, Hogg C, Holgersen MG, Kerem E, Körner RW, Kötz K, Kouis P, Loebinger MR, Lorent N, Lucas JS, Maj D, Mall MA, Marthin JK, Martinu V, Mazurek H, Mitchison HM, Nöthe-Menchen T, Özçelik U, Pifferi M, Pogorzelski A, Ringshausen FC, Roehmel JF, Rovira-Amigo S, Rumman N, Schlegtendal A, Shoemark A, Sperstad Kennelly S, Staar BO, Sutharsan S, Thomas S, Ullmann N, Varghese J, von Hardenberg S, Walker WT, Wetzke M, Witt M, Yiallouros P, Zschocke A, Ziętkiewicz E, Nielsen KG, Omran H
Eur Respir J, 2024 Aug 8, 64 (2): 2301769, 15 str., doi: 10.1183/13993003.01769-2023, Epub 2024 Jun 13IF-16.6 MNiSW-200
The effect of library preparation protocol on the efficiency of heteroplasmy detection in mitochondrial DNA using two massively parallel sequencing Illumina systems.
Daca-Roszak P, Fiedorowicz J, Jankowski M, Ciecielka M, Teresiński G, Lipska-Ziętkiewicz B, Ziętkiewicz E, Grzybowski T, Skonieczna K
J Appl Genetics,2024 65 (3): 559-563, doi.10.1007/s13353-023-00821-4, Epub 2023 Dec 19IF-2.0 MNiSW-140
Validation of Polish-Language Questionnaires for Assessing the Quality of Life of Patients with Primary Ciliary Dyskinesia (PCD-QOL).
Roszak MA, Bręborowicz A, Szczepankiewicz A, Mikoś M, Bukowy-Bieryłło Z, Więckowska B, Behan L, Dmeńska H, Goździk-Spychalska J, Nowicka A, Sapiejka E, Famulska P, Gąsecka E,
Pogorzelski A, Wojsyk-Banaszak I
Adv Respir Med, 2024 Jun 24; 92(4):254-262. doi: 10.3390/arm92040025.IF-1.8 MNiSW-40
Sex contribution to average age at onset of Huntington's disease depends on the number of (CAG)n repeats
Stanisławska-Sachadyn A., Krzemiński M , Zielonka D , Krygier M , Ziętkiewicz E , Sławek J , Limon J
Scientific Reports volume 14, Article number: 15729 (2024), DOI: 10.1038/s41598-024-64105-5IF-3,8 MNiSW-140
Estimation of the Age of the Kashubian-Specific Pathogenic NPHS2 Variant Responsible for Hereditary Steroid-Resistant Nephrotic Syndrome Points to Its Recent Local Origin.
Jankowski M, Daca-Roszak P, Bałasz-Chmielewska J, Ustaszewski A, Żurowska A, Lipska-Ziętkiewiz BS, Ziętkiewicz E
Human Mutation, 2024, Article ID 8205102, 9 pages, MNiSW-140
Genetic alterations in lymphoblastic leukaemia / lymphoma – a practical guide to WHO HAEM5.
Steinemann D, Dawidowska M, Russell LJ, Harisson ChJ, Gohring G
Medizinische Genetik MNiSW-20
All publications
Featured research projects
1. STRATEGMED research project
Personalization of childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia treatment in Poland
realized within the STRATEGMED-III program „Prevention and treatment of civilization diseases”
Project consortium members:
Silesian Medical University, Katowice
Institute of Innovative Techniques EMAG in Katowice
Medical University of Lodz
Institute of Human Genetics PAS in Poznan
Ludwik Rydygier Collegium Medicum in Bydgoszcz, Nicolaus Copernicus University in Torun
Medical University of Lublin
Medical University of Wroclaw
Medical University of Poznan
Warsaw Medical University
Medical University of Bialystok
Gdansk Medical University
Pomeranian Medical University in Szczecin
NET-O-LOGY company
2. NCN research project 2016/20/T/NZ4/00525
3. NCN research project 2014/13/B/NZ2/03858
4. NCN research project 2014/15/B/NZ2/03394
5. NCN research project 2013/11/N/NZ5/03730
6. NCN research project 2013/09/D/NZ4/01692
7. The research project of the European Union COST BM1407
International project financed from EU funds: “Translational research in primary ciliary dyskinesia – bench, bedside, and population perspectives (BEAT-PCD)”
8. The research project of the European Union COST IS1303
International project financed from EU funds: “Citizen’s Health through public- private Initiatives: Public health, Market and Ethical perspectives’ CHIP-ME
9. The research project of the European Union FP7 305404
International project financed from EU funds (FP7): „Better Experimental Screening and Treatment for Primary Ciliary Dyskinesia” BESTCILIA
10. Projekt badawczy Ministerstwa Nauki nr OR00 0027 12
2 Nagrodę w Specjalności Genetyka człowieka.
W ramach II edycji konkursu organizowanego przez Polskie Towarzystwo Genetyczne na najlepszą pracę oryginalną oraz rozprawę doktorską w zakresie genetyki z 2023 roku
Nagroda PTGC
Podczas XI Zjazdu PTGC w Bydgoszczy, Małgorzata Dawidowska – kierownik Samodzielnej Grupy Badawczej Hematoonkologii Podstawowej i Translacyjnej w Zakładzie Genetyki Molekularnej i Klinicznej otrzymała Nagrodę Polskiego Towarzystwa Genetyki Człowieka za najlepszą pracę habilitacyjną z zakresu genetyki człowieka w latach 2018-2020. Tytuł nagrodzonej pracy habilitacyjnej: „ Ostra białaczka limfoblastyczna u dzieci w ujęciu badań podstawowych i translacyjnych”.
Nagroda Naukowa Miasta Poznania - 2023.
Nagrodę przyznano za kompleksowe badania podłoża molekularnego i mechanizmów patogenezy ostrej białaczki limfoblastycznej u dzieci, łączące aspekty poznawcze i aplikacyjne. Do nagrody przedstawiono cykl 5 prac opublikowanych w recenzowanych czasopismach naukowych w latach 2021-2022.
START is a scholarship programme for the best young researchers representing all fields of science. Grant can be used for any purpose, is intended to provide financial support to researchers at early stage of their research career and to enable them implementation of research plans.
For the 31st time, the Foundation for Polish Science awarded START scholarships to the most talented young scientists from all over Poland. This year, 100 young researchers will receive it, including Monika Drobna-Śledzińska, PhD student from the Department of Molecular and Clinical Genetics.
START is a scholarship programme for the best young researchers representing all fields of science. Grant can be used for any purpose, is intended to provide financial support to researchers at early stage of their research career and to enable them implementation of research plans.
Fellowship (EMBO Scientific Exchange Grant)
to implement the project “ The use of mRNA therapy to restore ciliary function in zebrafish with knockout of CCDC39, the known primary ciliary dyskinesia (PCD) gene”.
Helisa 2022
for the best posters presented on the Human Genetics session: Alicja Rabiasz, Monika Drobna-Śledzińska, Natalia Maćkowska- Maślak, Ewa Ziętkiewicz - POLR2K as a passenger gene mutated together with SPAG1, the known primary ciliary dyskinesia (PCD) gene.
Helisa 2022
for the best posters presented on the Human Genetics session: Joanna Jurczak, Zuzanna Bukowy-Bieryłło, Hanna Przystałowska-Macioła, Patrycja Daca-Roszak, Roman Jaksik, Michał Witt, Ewa Ziętkiewicz - Functional studies on in vitro differentiation of airway epithelium in ALI culture as a tool for modeling ciliopathies.
Scholarship 2020/21
Polish Intelligent Development Award 2020 in the category: Scientist of the future
Poszukiwanie nowych genów zaangażowanych w patogenezę pierwotnej dyskinezy rzęsek: analiza funkcjonalna genów kandydatów metodą interferencji RNA.
Prime Minister's award
Prime Minister's award in the category of highly valued scientific achievements that were the basis for awarding the habilitation