Dr. Marta Olszewska defended her M.Sc., Eng. thesis in ‘Biotechnology’ at Poznan University of Life Sciences in 2006. Since 2004 in Department of Reproductive Biology and Stem Cells. She received her Ph.D. in the field of medical biology in 2014 (Institute of Human Genetics, Polish Academy of Sciences, Poznan), and now works as Assistant Professor. Her scientific interests concern: cytogenetics of male infertility, including chromosome aberrations in human spermatozoa, searching for mutations responsible for decreased sperm count (incl. mouse models) and also epigenetics of male germ cells.

Since Oct 2021 Head of the Research Team of Sperm Genetics

Team Members:
mgr Zuzanna Graczyk – PhD Student
mgr Aleksandra Leśniewska – Biologist
Amelia Danielewska – M.Sc. Student
Agata Makarska-Guzikowska – M.Sc. Student
Klaudia Kasprzak – M.Sc. Student

Past Members:
Jagoda Kostyk, M.Sc. Eng.
Zuzanna Myślicka – M.Sc. Eng.
Julia Pospieszna – M.Sc. Eng.
Martyna Żurek – M.Sc. Eng.
Aleksandra Zasina – M.Sc. Eng.

Spermatozoa characterizes unique nuclear packaging of the chromatin; thus, the chromosomes’ positions are also specific. It is known that in men with various disturbances of fertility the nuclear organization is changed. There are also evidences that epigenetic changes are prone both to: genetics, as well as for environmental factors. What is interesting, relative interaction between them may work as a cause or a reason of disturbances in male fertility.

The research tasks of the Team are based on a comprehensive experimental approach to spermatozoa of males with oligozoospermia, as well as of chromosomal aberrations carriers, taking into account the characteristics of both: the genetic and epigenetic content of the sperm cell important for the course of spermatogenesis. Simultaneous evaluation of all the above-mentioned parameters may be a stimulus to develop new tests assessing both the structural and regulatory layer of the sperm genetic material.

Currently, the Team implements the research tasks following genomics, epigenetic and cytogenetic aspects of human spermatozoa from males with reproductive failures following the research projects:

1. ‘Cytogenetic and molecular analyses of positioning of human sperm chromosomes, including: sperm chromatin integrity, epigenetic marks, karyotyping and sperm fractioning’ SONATA BIS NSC, no. 2020/38/E/NZ2/00134

The main purpose of the Project is to determine how the positions of the chromosomes within human sperm nucleus may be altered depending on: the state of fertility, karyotype, chromatin integrity status, epigenetic variations within DNA or histones, and between members of the same family, incl. various fractions of sperm cells. The novelty of the Project is that all analyses will be done sequentially on the same individual sperm cells, what means that the positioning of the chromosomes will be prepared in particular single spermatozoa, cell by cell, with known and documented: genotype, chromatin integrity state, and epigenetic marks level/change. Tests will be performed in males with normal karyotype (control, fertile vs. infertile from the same family, i.e. brothers), and with chromosomal abnormalities but phenotypically normal (i.e. carriers of chromosomal translocations). All tests will be performed on various sperm fractions: sperm with good motility, mature chromatin, and defined fertilization potential.

Carriership of balanced chromosomal rearrangements (CR) can be called: a ‘hidden biological bomb’, because aberrations frequently do not affect carriers’ phenotype, contrary to its negative influence on spermatogenesis. CR carriers may be at risk for abnormal pregnancy and/or offspring with developmental disabilities, because of the production of genetically unbalanced gametes during improper meiotic segregation. It is important, especially in the context of IVF techniques, where only visual evaluation of sperm motility and morphology is performed when selecting sperm cell for IVF procedure.

2. ‘Analysis of DNA methylation pattern in spermatozoa of infertile men with oligozoospermia’ SONATA NSC, no. 2015/17/D/NZ5/03442

The purpose of the Project is to delineate methylation pattern for selected genes in DNA from spermatozoa of infertile men with diagnosed oligozoospermia (low sperm count in ejaculate). It is assumed that spermatozoa of oligozoospermic males may have changed methylation patterns of genes that are crucial for spermatogenesis, what may influence their fertility status. Moreover, in spermatozoa of oligozoospermic males also other genomic elements may be disrupted, including: sperm chromatin integrity (deprotamination and DNA fragmentation) and higher sperm aneuploidy level. Diagnostics of oligozoospermia has been developed to some level. However, standard sperm analysis and hormonal evaluation is not sufficient for delineation of the reasons and mechanisms that may underlie infertility at the molecular level. It is important especially in intricated cases. We anticipate that undertaken evaluation will show us the effect of changed/disrupted methylation pattern of selected genes that possibly may be linked with oligozoospermia. The purpose of the Project is carrying out via complex characterization of spermatozoa from infertile males with oligozoospermia, including: (i) methylation pattern analysis of sperm DNA in promotor sequences for selected genes (gene panel and/or whole methylome sequencing), (ii) global methylation analysis of sperm DNA, followed by analysis of methylation and acetylation of selected histones’ residues, followed by their immunolocalization within human sperm nuclei, (iii) sperm chromatin integrity analysis, (iv) analysis of aneuploidy level for selected chromosomes in spermatozoa.

3. ‘Searching for the causes of male infertility – high-throughput genomic study of the Polish population’ Ministry of Science and Higher Education, program: Science for Society II, no. NdS-II/SP/0288/2024/01
The aim of the project is to create a database of genomic variants important for infertile men from the Polish population. It will be achieved by compiling molecular biology methods, including the latest methods of high-throughput genome research: whole genome sequencing (WGS), whole genome methylome sequencing (WGMS), followed by verification of results at the protein level. The research will be conducted on a group of 100 infertile men with reduced semen parameters and normal karyotype. The proposed research postulates a prospective method of diagnosing patients with reproductive failures, which in terms of ‘for the patient’ will allow for receiving a personalized diagnosis with an estimate of the risk of reproductive failures, and from the ‘scientific’ side will contribute to the identification of new genetic variants responsible for the so-called male factor.

Realized grant projects:

  • National Science Centre, OPUS no. 2024/53/B/NZ5/02183 (2025-2029) Spatial visual transcriptomics approach of male and female gonad – validation of the role of candidate infertility genes in ‘knockou’ mice models (principal investigator, co-author)
  • Ministry of Science and Higher Education, program: Science for Society II, no. NdS-II/SP/0288/2024/01 (2024-2027)
    Searching for the causes of male infertility – high-throughput genomic study of the Polish population (principal investigator, co-author)
  • National Science Centre, SONATA BIS no. 2020/38/E/NZ2/00134(2021-2026) Cytogenetic and molecular analyses of positioning of human sperm chromosomes, including: sperm chromatin integrity, epigenetic marks, karyotyping and sperm fractioning (principal investigator, author)
  • National Science Centre, OPUS no. 2020/37/B/NZ5/00549(2021-2025) Systematic genomic search for novel genes/variants in consanguineous families including males with reproductive failure (main investigator, co-author)
  • National Science Centre, SONATA no. 2015/17/D/NZ5/03442(2016-2019) Analysis of DNA methylation pattern in spermatozoa of infertile men with oligozoospermia (principal investigator, author)
  • National Science Centre, OPUS no. 2015/17/B/NZ2/01157(2016-2019) Searching for novel genes essential for human oligo- and azoospermia – mouse ‘knockout’ model (main investigator, main author)
  • National Science Centre, OPUS no. 2011/01/B/NZ2/04819(2011-2014) Complex cytogenetic and molecular analysis of male germline cells from chromosome translocation (CT) carriers with reproduction failure (main investigator, main author)
  • Ministry of Science and Higher Education, no. NN401376339(2010-2013) Topology of the chromosomes in spermatozoa from men with disturbed spermatogenesis (main investigator)
  • National Centre of Research and Development, no. R1306606(2009-2012) Partners’ infertility – identification of the reasons on molecular level, as a basis for preventic alghoritms creation (investigator)
  • Ministry of Science and Higher Education, no. NN401 097937(2009-2013) Positioning of the chromosomes in differentiating myogenic stem cell (investigator)
  • Ministry of Science and Higher Education, no. N40703432/1371(2007-2009) Analysis of RCT carriers’ pedigrees including paternal sperm karyotypes; evaluation of Polish and Ukrainian RCT carriers with reproductive failure (investigator)

Co-author of >70 conference communications

Member of scientific organizations:

European Cytogeneticists Association (ECA)
Polish Society of Andrology (PTA)
Polish Society of Human Genetics (PTGC)
Society for Biology of Reproduction (TBR)
Polish Laboratory Animal Science Association (PolLASA)

Expert/reviewer: NAWA, FNP, NCBiR, ABM, SB Łukasiewicz
Academic Editor: J Assist Reprod Genet, Hum Mutat, Andrologia, Open Med



Szczecin (Poland)

25. Andrology Day

New York (USA)

Germ Cells, CSHL Meeting

Warszawa (Poland)

10th Meeting of the Society for Biology of Reproduction (TBR)

Sztokholm (Sweden)

13th European Congress of Andrology

Berlin (Germany)

European Human Genetics Conference 2024 (ESHG)

Poznań (Poland)

2nd Poznan TBRowka

Washington (USA)

American Society of Human Genetics, Annual Meeting

Poznań (Poland)

First Poznan TBRowka

Poznań (Poland)

23. Andrology Day (Conference of Polish Andrology Society)

Kraków (Poland)

6th Polish Congress of Genetics

San Diego, CA (USA)

47th Annual Conference of American Society of Andrology (ASA)

on-line (Poznań)

9th Congress of the Society for Reproductive Biology


European Scociety of Human Genetics, Virtual Conference 2021


13th European Cytogenomics Conference

on-line (Barcelona)

21st European Testis Workshop

on-line (Copenhagen, Denmark)

36th Annual Meeting of the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology

Łódź, Poland

21st Andrology Day

Budapest, Hungary

10th European Congress of Andrology

Olsztyn, Poland

VIII Congress of Polish Society for Biology of Reproduction

Gdansk, Poland

18th Andrology Day

Poznań, Poland

17th Andrology Day

16-18.05 2014
Warszawa, Poland

Symbioza: Międzyuczelniane Sympozjum Biotechnologiczne

19-21.09 2013
Florence, Italy

5th Florence-Utah Symposium on Genetics of Male Infertility

10-13.09 2013
Poznań, Poland

IV Polski Kongres Genetyki

29.06.-02.07 2013
Dublin, Ireland

9th European Cytogenetics Conference (ECC)

19-22.04 2012
Gdzie: San Antonio, TX, USA

42nd Biennal American Cytogenetics Conference (ACC)

07-10.09 2011
Polańczyk, Poland

VI Zjazd Towarzystwa Biologii Rozrodu (TBR)

02-05.07 2011
Porto, Portugalia

Porto, Portugalia 8th European Cytogenetic Conference (ECC)

30.03.-05.04 2011
Montreal, Kanada

36th Annual Meeting of American Society of Andrology (ASA)

12-15.09 2010
Lublin, Poland

III Polski Kongres Genetyki

9-10.09 2010
Warszawa, Poland

Konferencja naukowo-szkoleniowa z okazji jubileuszu 50-lecia działalności Komisji Biologii Zwierząt Doświadczalnych PAN: „Zwierzęta laboratoryjne wczoraj, dziś i jutro”

10-13.04 2010
Houston, TX, USA

35th Annual Meeting of American Society of Andrology (ASA)

17-19.02 2010
Zakopane, Poland

II Zimowa Konferencja Towarzystwa Biologii Rozrodu (TBR) „Centralne i lokalne regulacje procesów rozrodczych”

4-6.02 2010
Salt Lake City, USA

4th Utah/Florence Symposium on the Genetics of Male Infertility

18-19.09 2008
Warszawa, Poland

I Konferencja ogólnopolska „Zwierzęta w badaniach naukowych

10-13.09 2008
Wrocław, Poland

V Jubileuszowy Zjazd Towarzystwa Biologii Rozrodu (TBR)


Awarded: dr hab. n. med. i n. o zdr. Marta Olszewska
The 2022 International Travel Award
Given by: American Society of Andrology and the International Liaison Comittee

for oral presentation: 'Causative Influence of Tcte1 Knockout on energetic chain transportation, apoptosis and spermatogenesis - implications for male infertility'

Awarded: dr hab. n. med. i n. o zdr. Marta Olszewska
Early Stage Investigator registration scholarship, American Society of Andrology, 46th Annual Conference
Given by: American Society of Andrology

Early Stage Investigator registration scholarship

Awarded: dr hab. n. med. i n. o zdr. Marta Olszewska
Polish Intelligent Development Award 2020 in the category: Scientist of the future
Given by: Intelligent Development Center

Analysis of DNA methylation pattern in spermatozoa of infertile men with oligozoospermia, funded by National science Centre, SONATA 2015/17/D/NZ5/03442.

Awarded: dr hab. n. med. i n. o zdr. Marta Olszewska
Given by: International forum Economic, organized by the European Centre of the development of the economy. http://miedzynarodowe-forum.pl

economic award for thinking ahead, pioneering projects and numerous successes

dr hab. n. med. i n. o zdr. Marta Olszewska
dr hab. n. med. Monika Frączek
prof. dr hab. n. med. Maciej Kurpisz
Oustanding Paper Award for the best paper published in 2019 in Asian Journal of Andrology
Given by: Editorial Office of Asian Journal of Andrology (Wolters Kluwer)

Oustanding Paper Award for the best paper published in 2019 in Asian Journal of Andrology Olszewska M, Barciszewska MZ, Fraczek M, Huleyuk N, Chernykh VB, Zastavna D, Barciszewski J, Kurpisz M:
Global methylation status of sperm DNA in carriers of chromosome structural aberrations.
Asian J Androl, 2017, 19: 117-124. https://dx.doi.org/10.4103/1008-682X.168684

Awarded: dr hab. n. med. i n. o zdr. Marta Olszewska
Nomination for the Polish Intelligent Development Award 2020 in the category: Sciencist of the future.
Given by: Polish Intelligent Development

Nomination for the Polish Intelligent Development Award 2020 in the category: Sciencist of the future for the project: : “Analysis of DNA methylation pattern in spermatozoa of infertile men with oligozoospermia”. The material regarding the nominee is available on website: https://rzeczo.pl/blog/2020/07/08/nieplodnosc-to-tez-epigenetyka/.

Awarded: dr hab. n. med. i n. o zdr. Marta Olszewska
The Young Prize named after Prof. Michał Bokiniec
Given by: PTA

Genetic dosage and position effect of small supernumerary marker chromosome (sSMC) in human sperm nuclei in infertile male patient, Scientific Reports, 2015, 5: 17408; 18th Andrology Day, Gdańsk, 30.09.-01.10.2016.

prof. dr hab. n. med. Maciej Kurpisz
dr hab. n. med. i n. o zdr. Marta Olszewska
dr hab. n. med. Ewa Wiland
Award granted by the Main Board of the Polish Genetics Society for the round of publication.
Given by: Main Board of the Polish Genetics Society

"Genetic background of male infertility - comprehensive studies of the genetic material of sperm and gametogenic cells in carriers of chromosome aberrations". 5th Polish Congress of Genetics, Łódź, 19.09.2016.

Awarded: dr hab. n. med. i n. o zdr. Marta Olszewska
NIH Trainee Travel Award
Given by: NIH Trainee Travel

Personal award for scientific presentation: ‘Cytogenetic analysis of spermatozoa from reciprocal translocation carriers (RCT) with reproductive failures and high level of sperm DNA fragmentation’, Olszewska M. et al.; J Androl 2011 Suppl, pp 61; (36th Annual Meeting of American Society of Andrology (ASA); Montreal, Canada, 2011).

Awarded: dr hab. n. med. i n. o zdr. Marta Olszewska
Lalor Foundation and WHO Travel Award
Given by: Lalor Foundation

Personal award for scientific presentation: ‘Meiotic segregation pattern and DNA fragmentation levels in spermatozoa of six different reciprocal chromosomal translocation carriers with reproductive failure’, Olszewska M. et al.; J Androl 2010 Suppl, pp 56-57; (35th Annual Meeting of American Society of Andrology (ASA); Houston, USA, 2010).