Lewandowski J, Rozwadowska N, Kolanowski TJ, Malcher A, Zimna A, Rugowska A, Fiedorowicz K, Łabędź W, Kubaszewski Ł, Chojnacka K, Bednarek-Rajewska K, Majewski P, Kurpisz M
Cell Transplantation, 2018, 27 (7): 1047-1067, IF-2,885, MNiSW-35.
New publication
New publication: HPV-related HNC – new challenge and hope for head and neck cancer subjects.
Szyfter K, Kiwerska K, Wierzbicka M
Journal of Medical Science, 2018, 87 (1): 44-48, MNiSW-10.
New publication: Human sperm proteins identified by 2-dimensional electrophoresis and mass spectrometry and their relevance to a transcriptomic analysis.
Nowicka-Bauer K, Ozgo M, Lepczyński A, Kamieniczna M, Malcher A, Skrzypczak W, Kurpisz M.
Reproductive Biology, 2018, 18 (2): 151-160, IF-1,446, MNiSW-15.
New publication: Genome-wide analysis of interchromosomal interaction probabilities reveals chained translocations and overrepresentation of translocation breakpoints in genes in a cutaneous T-cell lymphoma cell line.
Steininger A, Ebert G, Becker BV, Assaf C, Mobs M, Schmidt CA, Grabarczyk P, Jensen LR, Przybylski GK, Port M, Kuss AW, Ullmann R
Frontiers in Oncology, 2018, May 30; 8:e183. doi: 10.3389/fonc.2018.00183. eCollection 2018. MNiSW-7.
New publication: miR-487a-3p upregulated in type 1 diabetes targets CTLA4 and FOXO3.
Żurawek M, Dzikiewicz-Krawczyk A, Iżykowska K, Ziólkowska-Suchanek I, Skowrońska B, Czaińska M, Podralska M, Fichna P, Przybylski G, Fichna M, Nowak J
Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice, 2018, 142 (8): 146-153, IF-2,548, MNiSW-30.
New publication: Advances in therapeutic use of a drug-stimulated translational readphrough of premature termination codons.
Dąbrowski M, Bukowy-Bieryłło Z, Ziętkiewicz E
Molecular Medicine, 2018, 24:e25 (15 stron), Epub May 29, doi.org/10.1186/s10020-0180024-7, IF-3,340, MNiSW-35.
New publication: Recurrent transcriptional loss of the PCDH17 tumor suppressor in laryngeal squamous cell carcinoma is partially mediated by aberrant promoter DNA methylation.
Byzia E, Soloch N, Bodnar M, Szaumkessel M, Kiwereska K, Kostrzewska-Poczekaj M, Jarmuż-Szymczak M, Szylberg L, Wierzbicka M, Bartochowska A, Kalinowicz E, Grenman R, Szyfter K, Marszalek A, Giefing M
Molecular Carcinogenesis, 2018, 57 (7): 878-885, IF-3,851, MNiSW-35.
New publication: Uric acid and obesity-related phenotypes in postmenopausal women.
Grygiel-Górniak B, Mosor M, Marcinkowska J, Przysławski J, Nowak J
Mol Cell Biochem, 2018, 443 (1-2): 111-119, IF-2,561, MNiSW-20.
New publication: Elevated serum RANTES chemokine in autoimmune Addison’s disease.
Fichna M, Żurawek M, Budny B, Komarowska H, Niechciał E, Fichna P, Ruchała M
Pol Arch Med Wewn, 2018, 128 (4): 216-221, Epub Mar2, IF-2,658, MNiSW-30.
New publication: Application of stem cells in dentistry for bone regeneration.
Brożek R, Kurpisz M, Koczorowski R
J Physiol Pharmacol, 2018, 69 (1), doi: 10.26402.jpp.2018.1.03, IF-2,478, MNiSW-25.