Award in the contest organized by the Poznań branch of the Polish Academy of Sciences.

Maciej Dabrowski, MSci, was granted a honorable mention in the contest for the best original paper published in 2016, with a PhD student as the leading author. The work entitled  “Aminoglycoside-stimulated readthrough of premature termination codons in selected genes involved in primary ciliary dyskinesia” [Bukowy-Bieryłło Z, Dąbrowski M, Witt M, Zietkiewicz E] was published in RNA Biol, 2016, 13 (10): 1041-1050].

Poster awarded in Cologne.

Poster presented at the 31st International Congress of the International Academy of Patholog & European Society of Pathology, Cologne, Germany (25-29.09.2016):

The award for the best speach for Kamil Wierzbiński

During the XXI Symposium of the Section of Experimental Cardiology of Polish Cardiac Society and the Committee of Physiological Sciences and Pharmacology Polish Academy of Sciences, Kamil Wierzbiński MSc, from  Department of Reproductive Biology and Stem Cells received the prize for the best speach: Potential use of superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles for bioimaging of myoblasts in post-infarction heart stem cells therapy.

Bronze Helix at the 5th Polish Congress of Genetics.

A team consisting of Karolak JA, Kabza M, Rydzanicz M, Szcześniak MW, Nowak DM, Ginter-Matuszewska B, Polakowski P, Płoski R, Szaflik JP and Gajęcka M received the third prize (Bronze Helix)

Award for the team headed by Prof. Maciej Kurpisz.

The Main Board of the Polish Genetics Society recognized the team headed by Prof. Maciej Kurpisz (M. Kurpisz, Marta Olszewska, Ewa Wiland) with an award for the round of publications