The department carries out studies into the molecular background of male infertility and the biological properties of stem cells (of myogenic origin) from the perspective of their application in organ regeneration. We apply the tools of systemic biology to the transcriptomic identification of gene expression in dysfunctional male gonads and DNA arrays of infertile individuals to identify novel genes. In the second module, studies of pro-generative properties of stem cells are investigated in clinical trials for regeneration of a) post-infarction heart, b) anal sphincters and c) muscular dystrophies.
Department of Reproductive Biology and Stem Cells
Featured publications
Rola infekcji w niepłodności męskiej.
Frączek M
W: Monografia „Niepłodność męska” pod red. M. Rabijewskiego, Wyd. Medycyna po Dyplomie, ISBN 978-83-68323-05-4, MPD 1 (19) 2025, str. 87-94.MNiSW-5
Immunologiczne przyczyny niepłodności męskiej.
Kamieniczna M, Kurpisz M
W: Monografia „Niepłodność męska” pod red. M. Rabijewskiego, Wyd. Medycyna po Dyplomie, ISBN 978-83-68323-05-4, MPD 1 (19) 2025, str. 63-69.MNiSW-5
Editorial: Women in applied genetic epidemiology.
Guo Q, Allen-Brady K, Olszewska M
Front Genet 2024, 15: 1508169 doi: 10.3389/fgene.2024.1508169
IF-2.8 MNiSW-100
In vitro gene therapy using human iPS-derived mesoangioblast-like cells (HIDEMs) combined with microdystrophin (uDys) expression as the new strategy for Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD) experimental treatment.
Budzińska M, Malcher A, Zimna A, Kurpisz M
Int J Mol Sci, 2024, 25, 11869, doi: 10.3390/ijms252211869IF-4.9 MNiSW-140
HLA-DQB1 as a potential prognostic biomarker of hormonal therapy in patients with non-obstructive azoospermia.
Malcher A, Kamieniczna M, Rozwadowska N, Stokowy T, Berger A, Jedrzejczak P, Wolski JK, Kurpisz M
Reprod Biol, 2024 Sep 4; 24 (4):100949, 7 str., . doi: 10.1016/j.repbio.2024.100949IF-2.5 MNiSW-100
Searching for causes of infertility: from pathophysiologic mechanisms to therapeutic strategies
Kamieniczna M, Olszewska M, Malcher A, Stokowy T, Gunes S.
Front Genet, 2024 Jun 26;15:1432026. doi: 10.3389/fgene.2024.1432026. eCollection 2024.IF-2,8 MNiSW-100
Effects of Tcte1 knockout on energy chain transportation and spermatogenesis: implications for male infertility.
Olszewska M, Malcher A, Stokowy T, Pollock N, Berman AJ, Budkiewicz S, Kamieniczna M, Jackowiak H, Suszynska-Zajczyk J, Jedrzejczak P, Yatsenko AN, Kurpisz M
Human Reproduction Open, 2024, 2: hoae020, MNiSW-20
The coexistence of several microbial species at the same site of bovine mammary gland parenchymal infection and their mixed infections.
Dudko P, Winiarczyk S, Majewski P, Antkowiak IR, Pytlewski J, Kurpisz M, Pruciak A
Animal Sci Genet., 2023, 19 (4): 29-50, doi 10.5604/01.3001.0054.282MNiSW-70
The role of the intrinsic pathway of apoptosis in human ejaculated sperm damage under a state of scrotal heat stress.
Budzińska M, Kamieniczna M, Wojnar L, Gill K, Piasecka M, Kups M, Fraczek M
J Assist Reprod Genet. 2024 Jan; 41 (1): 99-108. doi: 10.1007/s10815-023-02992-9. Epub 2023 Dec 8.IF-3.2 MNiSW-100
SRY-Related Transcription Factors in Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinomas: In Silico Based Analysis.
Kolenda T, Graczyk Z, Żarska B, Łosiewski W, Smolibowski M, Wartecki A, Kozłowska-Masłoń J, Guglas K, Florczak A, Kazimierczak U, Teresiak A, Lamperska K
Curr Issues Mol Biol, 2023, 45 (12): 9431–9449. doi 10.3390/cimb45120592IF-3.1 MNiSW-70
All publications
Featured research projects
1. National Science Centre research project 2017/26/D/NZ5/00789
2. National Science Centre research project 2017/25/B/NZ5/01131
3. National Science Centre research project 2015/17/B/NZ2/01157
4. National Science Centre research project 2015/17/D/NZ5/03442
5. National Centre for Research and Development (Applied Research Programme) research project PBS3/A7/27/2015
6. National Centre for Research and Development (STRATEGMED Programme)research project STRATEGMED1/233209/12/NCBR/2015
7. National Centre for Research and Development (STRATEGMED Programme) research project STRATEGMED1/233624/5/NCBR/2014
8. National Science Centre research project 2015/19/B/NZ5/02241
9. National Science Centre research project 2014/15/B/ST4/04946
10. National Science Centre research project 2014/13/B/NZ3/04646
Poznan University of Medical Sciences
Nanobiomedical Centre Adam Mickiewicz University In Poznań
University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn
University of Warsaw Biological and Chemical Research Centre
Centre for Postgraduate Medical Education, Warsaw
Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry, Polish Academy of Sciences, Poznań
Institute of Gynaecology and Obstetrics in Poznań
MedPolonia Private Specialist Hospitals, Poznań
Institute of Immunology and Experimental Therapy, Polish Academy of Sciences in Wroclaw
Mossakowski Medical Research Centre, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw
Jagiellonian Centre for Experimental Therapeutics, Kraków
Second Clinic of General Surgery, Jagiellonian University in Kraków
Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Institute of Cell Engineering, Baltimore, MD, USA.
University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria, Cardiac Department, Austria
Freie University, Department of Physics ,Germany
Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University, Ukraine
Danylo Halytsky Lviv National Medical University, Department of Paediatric Surgery, Ukraine.
Institute of Hereditary Pathology of National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine, Ukraine
za najlepsze wystąpienie w sesji doktoranckiej
Mój doktorat w 180 sekund
Doktorantka z Zakładu Biologii Rozrodu i Komórek Macierzystych IGC PAN Rim Ibrahim zdobyła II Nagrodę Jury podczas piątej edycji polskiej selekcji konkursu „Mój doktorat w 180 sekund” dla Europy Środkowej.
Early Stage Investigator registration scholarship, American Society of Andrology, 46th Annual Conference
Early Stage Investigator registration scholarship
Polish Intelligent Development Award 2020 in the category: Scientist of the future
Analysis of DNA methylation pattern in spermatozoa of infertile men with oligozoospermia, funded by National science Centre, SONATA 2015/17/D/NZ5/03442.
economic award for thinking ahead, pioneering projects and numerous successes
dr hab. n. med. i n. o zdr. Marta Olszewska
dr hab. n. med. Monika Frączek
prof. dr hab. n. med. Maciej Kurpisz
Oustanding Paper Award for the best paper published in 2019 in Asian Journal of Andrology
Oustanding Paper Award for the best paper published in 2019 in Asian Journal of Andrology Olszewska M, Barciszewska MZ, Fraczek M, Huleyuk N, Chernykh VB, Zastavna D, Barciszewski J, Kurpisz M:
Global methylation status of sperm DNA in carriers of chromosome structural aberrations.
Asian J Androl, 2017, 19: 117-124.
Nomination for the Polish Intelligent Development Award 2020 in the category: Sciencist of the future.
Nomination for the Polish Intelligent Development Award 2020 in the category: Sciencist of the future for the project: : “Analysis of DNA methylation pattern in spermatozoa of infertile men with oligozoospermia”. The material regarding the nominee is available on website:
Nomination for the Polish Inteligent Develpoment Award 2020
Nomination for the Polish Intelligent Development Award 2020 in the category: Sciencist of the future for the project: ‘Verification of the hypothesis of oxidative stress, apoptosis and immune factor as the mechanisms responsible for the poor semen quality in men exposed to genital heat stress’. The winners of this prestigious award have been for five years organizations and people who in their work show a constant focus on the future, constituting the basis of sustainable economic development of the country.
Nomination for the Polish Inteligent Development Award 2019
Dr n. med. Agnieszka Malcher has been nominated for the Polish Intelligent Development Award 2019 in the category: Scientist of the future for the project: "Novel causative genetic variants in azoospermia: whole genome analysis and functional in vitro studies." The winners of this prestigious award have been for four years organizations and people who in their work show a constant focus on the future, constituting the basis of sustainable economic development of the country.
Short-Term Fellowships
Short-Term Fellowships of European Molecular Biology Organization (EMBO) to implement the project CRISPR/Cas9 system based spermatogenesis impairment in vitro modeling of human male gonad. The research will be conducted in Max Planck Institute for Molecular Genetics in Germany.