Research project: „Double impact of BCL11B gene suppression for the targeted therapy of T-cell neoplasms” has received funding from the First Polish-Chinese Joint Research Call, jointly carried out with the Ministry of Science and Technology of the People’s Republic of China (MOST).
New publication: In-silico analysis of Thr767Ile pathogenic variant in the MSH6 gene in family with endometrial cancer.
Stembalska A, Klapecki J, Pławski A, Karpiński P
Eur J Obset Gynecol Reproduct Biol, 2019, 238: 54-57. doi: 10.1016/j.ejogrb.2019.04.035, IF-2,024, MNiSW-25.
New research projects at the IHG PAS
Three new research projects of IHG PAS employees have received founding within the National Science Centre programmes.
EMBO Fellowship for Agnieszka Malcher, PhD
Agnieszka Malcher, PhD from the Department of Reproductive Biology and Stem Cells received a Short-Term Fellowships of European Molecular Biology Organization (EMBO)
START grant for Agnieszka Zimna, PhD
For the 27th time, the Foundation for Polish Science awarded START scholarships to the most talented young scientists from all over Poland. This year, 100 young researchers will receive it, including Agnieszka Zimna, PhD from the Department of Reproductive Biology and Stem Cells.
An award for our PhD student
Alicja Rabiasz – PhD student at the Department of Molecular and Clinical Genetics was awarded for the best oral presentation entitled “Identification of genes potentially involved in the pathogenesis of primary ciliary dyskinesia”
New publication: New mutation causing androgen insensitivity syndrome – a case report and review of literature.
Maciejewska-Jeske M, Rojewska-Madziala P, Broda K, Drabek K, Szeliga A, Czyżyk A, Malinger S, Kostrzak A, Podfigurna A, Bala G, Męczekalski B, Malcher A, Kurpisz M
Gynecological Endocrinology, 2019, 35 (4): 294-298, Epub 2018 Nov 19:1-4. doi: 10.1080/09513590.2018.1529160, IF-1,406, MNiSW-15.
New publication: Multiple Differentially Methylated Regions Specific to Keratoconus Explain Known Keratoconus Linkage Loci.
Kabza M, Karolak JA, Rydzanicz M, Udziela M, Gasperowicz P, Płoski R, Szaflik JP, Gajęcka M
Invest Ophthalmol Visual Science, 2019, 60 (5):1501-1509, IF-3,812, MNiSW-40.