New publication: Effect of irradiation on DNA synthesis, NBN gene expression and chromosomal stability in cells with NBN mutations.
Nowak J, Świątek-Kościelna B, Kałużna EM, Rembowska J, Dzikiewicz-Krawczyk A, Zawada M, Januszkiewicz-Lewandowska D
Arch Med Sci , 2017, 13 (2): 283-92, Epub 2017 Jan 25; 13, 2, IF-1,969, MNiSW-30
Professor Maciej Kurpisz has been elected as the Councillor to the Board of ESRI.
Professor Maciej Kurpisz has been elected as the Councillor to the Board of European Society for Reproductive Immunology (ESRI) for term 2017-2020.
New publication: KTCNlncDB – a first platform to investigate lncRNAs expressed in human keratoconus and non-keratoconus corneas.
Szcześniak MW, Kabza M, Karolak JA, Rydzanicz M, Nowak DM, Ginter-Matuszewska B, Polakowski P, Ploski R, Szaflik JP, Gajecka M
Database (Oxford), Vol. 2017 (1), ID baw168, 6 pages, Epub 2017Jan 10, IF-3,290, MNSiW-40.