New publications – book chapters.
The monograph entitled “Research and Development by Young Scientists in Poland”, ed. by Jacek Leśny and Jędrzej Nyćkowiak, ISBN- 978-83-65362-90-2, 2016, contains four chapters authored by staff members of our Institute.
Bronze Helix at the 5th Polish Congress of Genetics.
A team consisting of Karolak JA, Kabza M, Rydzanicz M, Szcześniak MW, Nowak DM, Ginter-Matuszewska B, Polakowski P, Płoski R, Szaflik JP and Gajęcka M received the third prize (Bronze Helix)
Award for the best doctoral dissertation granted to Justyna Karolak.
The Board of the Polish Society of Human Genetics granted an award to Justyna Karolak for the best doctoral dissertation in the period between 1 January 2014 and 30 June 2016 .
Award for the team headed by Prof. Maciej Kurpisz.
The Main Board of the Polish Genetics Society recognized the team headed by Prof. Maciej Kurpisz (M. Kurpisz, Marta Olszewska, Ewa Wiland) with an award for the round of publications
New publication: Genetic Background, Adipocytokines, and Metabolic Disorders in Postmenopausal Overweight and Obese Women.
Grygiel-Górniak B, Kaczmarek E, Mosor M, Przysławski J, Bogacz A
Biochem. Genet., 2016 Oct; 54 (5): 636-52; IF-0.952; MNiSW-15
New publication: Techniques of Human Embryonic Stem Cell and Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell Derivation.
Lewandowski J, Kurpisz M
Arch Immunol Ther Exp (Warsz). 2016 Oct; 64 (5): 349-70; IF-2.464; MNiSW-25
New publication: Synthesis, Antibacterial, and Anticancer Evaluation of Novel Spiramycin-Like Conjugates Containing C(5) Triazole Arm
Klich K, Pyta K, Kubicka M, Ruszkowski P, Celewicz L, Gajecka M, Przybylski P
J. Medicinal Chemistry, 2016 Sep 8; 59 (17): 7963-73; IF-5.589; MNiSW-45
New publication: Primary Ciliary Dyskinesia (Kartagener Syndrome).
Witt M, Bukowy-Bieryłło Z
W: Epstein’s inborn errors of development: The molecular basis of clinical disorders of morphogenesis, Ciliary functions: Genesis, transport, and reabsorbtion, 3rd edition, Editors: Robert P. Erickson, Anthony J. Wynshaw-Boris, Oxford Monographs on Medical Genetics, ISBN 9780199934522, 8 September 2016, str. 221-227; MNiSW-5
New publication: The effect of bacteriospermia and leukocytospermia on conventional and nonconventional semen parameters in healthy young normozoospermic males.
Frączek M, Hryhorowicz M, Gill K, Zarzycka M, Gaczarzewicz D, Jedrzejczak P, Bilinska B, Piasecka M, Kurpisz M
J. Reprod. Immunology, 2016, 118: 18-27, IF 3.202; MNiSW 35