New publication: The pharmacokinetics of midazolam and 1-OH-midazalom during oral premedication in paediatric patients.
Bartkowska-Śniatkowska A, Wiczling P, Juzwa-Sobieraj M, Kałużna E, Świątek-Kościelna B, Bienert A., Borsuk A, Tezyk A, Rosada-Kurasinska J, Januszkiewicz-Lewandowska D
J.Medical Science, 2016, 85 (2): 73-82; MNiSW 10
New publication: The prognostic significance of surface dipeptidylpeptidase IV (CD26) expression in B-cell chronic lymphocytic leukemia.
Matuszak M, Lewandowski K, Czyż A, Kiernicka-Parulska J, Przybyłowicz-Chalecka A, Jarmuż-Szymczak M, Lewandowska M, Komarnicki M
Leukemia Res., 2016, 47 (Aug 2016): 166-171; IF 2.351; MNiSW 25
Maciej Dąbrowski received the ETIUDA scholarship from the National Science Centre
On the 30th of June 2016, National Science Centre (NCN) has announced the results of the ETIUDA competition for PhD scholarships. One of the laureates (NZ panel) is MSc Maciej Dąbrowski from the Department of Molecular and Clinical Genetics IHG PAS.
Journal of Applied Genetics
Journal of Applied Genetics (JAG) has reached IF2015 = 1.929. This is the highest IF so far that the journal has reached so far and about 0.452 higher than the last year.