Bankov K, Döring C, Ustaszewski A, Giefing M, Herling M, Cencioni Ch, Spalloti F, Gaetano C, Küppers R, Hansmann ML, Hartmann S
Cancers (Basel), 2019, 11 (11), e1687 (17 stron); Epub Oct 30, IF-6,162, MNiSW-140.
October 2019
New publication: Truncating mutations in exons 20 and 21 of OFD1 can cause primary ciliary dyskinesia without associated syndromic symptoms.
Bukowy-Bieryłło Z, Rabiasz A, Dąbrowski M, Pogorzelski A, Wojda A, Dmenska H, Grzela K, Sroczynski J, Witt M, Ziętkiewicz E
J Med Genet, 2019, 56 (11): 769-777, IF-5,899, MNiSW-140.
New publication: Translokacje chromosomowe wzajemne w niepłodności męskiej.
Olszewska M, Kurpisz M
Postępy Andrologii Online, 2019, 6 (1): 51-67, MNiSW-5.
New publication: DNA repair in cancer therapy – double-edged sword.
Kiwerska K, Szyfter K
J Applied Genet, 2019, (3-4):329-334, Epub Aug 30,, IF-1,725, MNiSW-70.
New publication: Transcriptome variation in human populations and its potential application in forensics.
Daca-Roszak P, Ziętkiewicz E
J Applied Genet, 2019, (3-4):319-328, Epub August 10,, IF-1,725, MNiSW-70.
New publication: DIAPH2 alterations increase cellular motility and may contribute to the metastatic potential of laryngeal squamous carcinoma.
Kostrzewska-Poczekaj M, Byzia E, Soloch N, Jarmuż-Szymczak M, Janiszewska J, Kowal E, Paczkowska J, Kiwerska K, Wierzbicka M, Bartochowska A, Ustaszewski A, Greczka G, Grenman R, Szyfter K, Giefing M
Carcinogenesis, 2019, 40 (10):1251-1259, Epub Feb 21, doi: 10.1093/carcin/bgz035, IF-4,004, MNiSW-140.
Statuette of Honorary Hipolit for Professor Ryszard Słomski
Poznań, October 9th, 2019.
President of the Hipolit Cegielski Society, Dr. Marian Król, handed out to Professor Ryszard Słomski, a letter informing about the awarding of the Statuette of Honorary Hipolit and the title of “Leader of Organic Work”. The Chapter’s decision is an expression of the highest recognition for scientific, teaching as well as charitable and socio-cultural activity in promoting the idea of organic work.