Ziętkiewicz E, Bukowy-Bieryłło Z, Rabiasz A, Daca P, Wojda A, Voelkel K, Rutkiewicz E, Pogorzelski A, Rasteiro M, Witt M
Amer J Respiratory Cell Mol Biol, 2019 October, 61 (4): 440-449, Epub 2019 March 27, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1165/rcmb.2018-0260OC, IF-4,340, MNiSW-100.
New publication: Immunological Characteristics and Properties of Glial Restricted Progenitors of Mice, Canine Primary Culture Suspensions, and Human QSV40 Immortalized Cell Lines for Prospective Therapies of Neurodegenerative Disorders.
Klimczak A, Kozłowska U, Sanford J, Walczak P, Małysz-Cymborska I, Kurpisz M
Cell Transplant, 2019, 28 (9-10):1140-1154, Epub May 24, doi: 10.1177/0963689719848355, IF-3,447, MNiSW-70.
New publication: Long non-coding RNAs in development and maintenance of lymphoid malignancies.
Winkle M, Dzikiewicz-Krawczyk A, Kluiver J, van der Berg A
W: Molecular Biology of Long Non-coding RNAs, ed. by Editors: Khalil, Ahmad; Springer Nature Switzerland, ISBN 978-3-030-17085-1, 2019, str. 127-149, MNiSW-20.
Competition for a position of a student- scholarship holder in the Department of Molecular Pathology IHG PAS
Director of the Institute of Human Genetics, Polish Academy of Sciences (IHG PAS) and the leader of the research project announce an open competition for the position of a student- scholarship holder in the Department of Molecular Pathology.
Magdalena Kostrzewska-Poczekaj received an EMBO short-term fellowship
New publication: ESR1 Gene Variants Are Predictive of Osteoporosis in Female Patients with Crohn’s Disease.
Krela-Kaźmierczak I, Skrzypczak-Zielińska M, Kaczmarek-Ryś M, Michalak M, Szymczak-Tomczak A, Hryhorowicz ST, Szalata M, Łykowska-Szuber L, Eder P, Stawczyk-Eder K, Tomczak M, Słomski R, Dobrowolska A
Journal of Clinical Medicine, 2019, Aug 24; 8 (9). pii: E1306. doi: 10.3390/jcm8091306, IF-5.688, MNiSW-140.
New publication: Advances in athlete genomics in 2019.
Szalata M, Słomski R, Balko S, Balko I
Trends in Sport Sciences, 2019, 2 (26): 55-61, MNiSW-20.
New publication: Age-related changes in human sperm DNA integrity.
Rosiak-Gill A, Gill K, Jakubik J, Frączek M, Patorski Ł, Gączarzewicz D, Kurzawa R, Kurpisz M, Piasecka M
Aging, 2019, 11 (15): 5399-5411, IF-5,515, MNiSW-140.
New publication: Expression of Serpin Peptidase Inhibitor B2 (SERPINB2) is regulated by Aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AhR).
Brauze D, Kiwerska K, Bednarek K, Grenman R, Janiszewska J, Giefing M, Jarmuż-Szymczak M
Chemico-Biological Interactions, 2019, 309: 1-10, IF-3,407, MNiSW-100.