Marcin Sajek, PhD from the Department of Nucleic Acid Function rewarded with postdoctoral fellowship within Bekker Programme of the Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange. The research stay will be carried out at the University of Colorado, Denver, USA.
Department of Cancer Genetics team rewarded
We are pleased to inform you that the team composed of: dr hab. Maciej Giefing, dr hab. Małgorzata Jarmuż-Szymczak, dr Magdalena Kostrzewska-Poczekaj, dr Katarzyna Kiwerska received the Faculty Award of the Faculty of Medical Sciences of the Polish Academy of Sciences for a series of 5 works on the loss of tumor suppression genes in squamous cell larynx cancer.
Recruitment for the Poznań Doctoral School of Institutes of the PAS
We would like to inform you that we are currently recruiting for the position of PhD student at the Poznań Doctoral School of Institutes of the PAS
Recruitment of participants for the PROM project!
We would like to inform that second recruitment of participants for the project implemented under the PROM Programme International scholarship exchange of doctoral students and academic staff has been announced.
New publication: Large expert-curated database for benchmarking document similarity detection in biomedical literature search.
Brown W, RELISH Consortium (Bukowy-Bieryłło Z), Yaogi Zhou
Database (J Biol.Database & Curation), 2019, 1–66, doi: 10.1093/database/baz085. IF-3,683, MNiSW-100.
New publication: Allosteric modulation of cannabinoid receptor 1 – current challenges and opportunities.
Hryhorowicz S, Kaczmarek-Ryś M, Andrzejewska A, Staszak K, Hryhorowicz M, Korcz A, Słomski R
Int J Mol Sci. 2019 Nov 22; 20 (23) e5874 (18 stron). doi: 10.3390/ijms20235874. Review. IF-4,183, MNiSW-140.