Frączek M, Kamieniczna M, Budzinska M, Kupisz M
Postępy Andrologii Online, 2018, 5 (2): 48-61.
New publication: Chromosome (re)positioning in spermatozoa of fathers and sons – carriers of reciprocal chromosome translocation (RCT).
Olszewska M, Wiland E, Huleyuk N, Frączek M, Midro AT, Zastavna D, Kurpisz M
BMC Medical Genomics, 2019 Feb 1;12 (1):e30. doi: 10.1186/s12920-018-0470-7, IF-2,568, MNiSW-35.
New publication: Are dietary supplements containing plant-derived ingredients safe microbiologically?
Dlugaszewska J, Ratajczak M, Kamińska D, Gajęcka M
Saudi Pharmaceutical Journal, 2019, 27: 240-245, IF-3,643, MNiSW-20.
Institute of Human Genetics PAS was granted ‘HR Excellence in Research Award’
The Institute of Human Genetics of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Poznań was granted ‘HR Excellence in Research Award’. The European Commission recognizes with the ‘HR Excellence in Research Award’ institutions which make progress in aligning their human resources policies to the principles of the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers.
New publication: Deciphering human ribonucleoprotein regulatory networks.
Mukherjee N, Wessels HH, Lebedeva S, Sajek M, Ghanbari M, Garzia A, Munteanu A, Yusuf D, Farazi T, Hoell JI, Akat KM, Akalin A, Tuschl T, Ohler U
Nucleic Acid Res, 2019, 47 (2): 570-581, IF-11,147, MNiSW-40.
Announcement of the competition for a position of a student – scholarship
Director of the Institute of Human Genetics, Polish Academy of Sciences (IHG PAS) and the leader of the research project announce an open competition for the position of a student- scholarship holder in the Department of Reproductive Biology and Stem Cells.