Dr. Iwona Ziółkowska-Suchanek from Department of Molecular Pathology was nominated for the Polish Intelligent Development Award 2019, for implementation of the project entitled “The FAM13A gene silencing effect on lung cancer cells”.
New publication: T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia from miRNA perspective: Basic concepts, experimental approaches, and potential biomarkers.
Drobna M, Szarzyńska-Zawadzka B, Dawidowska M
Blood Reviews, 2018, 32: 457-472, IF-6,600, MNiSW-40.
Announcement of the competition for a position of adjunct (post-doc)
Director of the Institute of Human Genetics, Polish Academy of Sciences (IHG PAS) announces an open competition for the position of an adjunct (post-doc) in the Department of Reproductive Biology and Stem Cells.
Master’s thesis Award
MSc Marta Budzińska from the Department of Reproductive Biology and Stem Cells was awarded the second place at the 54th Master’s Thesis Competition organized by the Faculty of Pharmacy of Poznan University of Medical Sciences
IHG PAS researchers awarded with grants from the National Science Centre
The following IHG PAS researchers were awarded with the National Science Centre grants
Tomasz Kolanowski (PhD) has been distinguished for outstanding oral report
Tomasz Kolanowski (PhD) has been distinguished for outstanding oral report
New publication: Characterization of three generations of transgenic pigs expressing the HLS-E gene.
Hryhorowicz M, Zeyland J, Nowak-Terpiłowska A, Jura J, Juzwa W, Słomski R, Bocianowski J, Smorąg Z, Woźniak A, Lipiński D
Ann Anim Sci, 2018, 18 (4): 919-935, IF-1,018, MNiSW-20.