Biotechnology 2020. What do we ask most often?

On the initiative of the Biotechnology Commission at the Branch of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Poznań, “Biotechnology 2020. What do we ask most often?” „Biotechnologia 2020. O co najczęściej pytamy?” edited by Marlena Szalata, Ryszard Słomski and Tomasz Twardowski was prepared.

IHG PAS will coordinate Twinning project within Horizon 2020 Programme

The Institute of Human Genetics PAS (coordinator) in cooperation with the University of Ghent (Belgium), the University of Ulm (Germany) and the University of Groningen (Netherlands) from January 2021 starts implementation of the project entitled ‘On the road to excellence in unravelling the (epi) genetic landscape of hematologic neoplasms’ – NEXT LEVEL, financed by the Horizon 2020 Program within the Twinning call. The consortium will receive funding of EUR 899 525.

IF’2019 = 2,027 for Journal of Applied Genetics

In the latest edition of the Journal Citation Reports, published by Clarivate Analytics, which contains Impact Factor indices for all evaluated scientific journals, the Journal of Applied Genetics, co-edited by our Institute in the field of human genetics, obtained a 2-year IF’2019 = 2.027, with a 5-year IF’2019 = 1.954. In this way, the JAG exceeded the 2-year IF value of 2 for the first time in its history.