The Institute employs 100 people, including 5 full professors, 12 professors, 18 assistant professors, 6 assistants, 10 professionals, 37 engineering and technical staff and 12 employees working in the administration and accounting departments.
mgr Matisa Alla
mgr Karolina Ambrożkiewicz
Department of Reproductive Biology and Stem Cells
- mgr Marta Anders
mgr Agata Barszcz
Department of Molecular Pathology
dr n. med. Kinga Bednarek
Department of Cancer Genetics
dr n. przyr. Lakshmi Bellary
mgr Natalia Boguszewska
Department of Nucleic Acid Function
dr hab. n. med. i n. o zdr. Zuzanna Bukowy-Bieryłło
Department of Molecular and Clinical Genetics
- mgr Wojciech Cieśliński
- mgr Kornelia Czarnecka Department of Molecular Pathology
- dr n. med. Patrycja Daca-Roszak Department of Molecular and Clinical Genetics
dr hab. n. med. i n. o zdr. Małgorzata Dawidowska
Department of Molecular and Clinical Genetics
- mgr Małgorzata Dąbrowska Department of Molecular and Clinical Genetics
- Joanna Dolatkowska
dr n. med. i n. o zdr. Monika Drobna-Śledzińska
Department of Molecular and Clinical Genetics
- mgr inż. Zofia Drozdowska Department of Cancer Genetics
dr n. biol. Anna Durska
- mgr Iga Dziechciowska People
dr hab. n. med. i n. o zdr. Agnieszka Dzikiewicz-Krawczyk
Department of Molecular Pathology
- dr n. chem. Agnieszka Fedoruk-Wyszomirska Department of Molecular Pathology
dr hab. n. med. Monika Frączek
Department of Reproductive Biology and Stem Cells
prof. dr hab. n. med. Marzena Gajęcka
Department of Cancer Genetics
prof. dr hab. n. med. i n. o zdr. Maciej Giefing
Department of Cancer Genetics
- mgr Ewa Gołębiewska
- mgr Zuzanna Graczyk Department of Reproductive Biology and Stem Cells
- mgr Natalia Grot People
dr n. roln. Szymon Hryhorowicz
mgr Katarzyna Hubert
Department of Nucleic Acid Function
mgr Rim Ibrahim
Department of Reproductive Biology and Stem Cells
dr hab. n. med. i n. o zdr. Katarzyna Iżykowska
Department of Molecular Pathology
- dr n. biol. Przemysław Jagodzik Department of Molecular and Clinical Genetics
- Aleksandra Jakubowska-Pawłowska
- mgr Katarzyna Janke
mgr inż. Anna Jarmuszewska
Department of Reproductive Biology and Stem Cells
- mgr Krystian Jarmuszkiewicz
dr hab. n. med. Małgorzata Jarmuż-Szymczak
Department of Cancer Genetics
prof. dr hab. n. biol. Jadwiga Jaruzelska
- dr inż. Jakub Jasiczak
- dr n. med. i n. o zdr. Katarzyna Jaśkiewicz-Rajewicz Department of Cancer Genetics
mgr Joanna Jurczak
Department of Molecular and Clinical Genetics
dr n. med. Marta Kaczmarek-Ryś
- dr n. biol. Marzena Kamieniczna Department of Reproductive Biology and Stem Cells
- dr n. biol. Marek Kazimierczyk People
- mgr Anna Kaźmierczak
- Marcin Kęsikiewicz
dr hab. n. med. i n. o zdr. Katarzyna Kiwerska
Department of Cancer Genetics
- mgr Monika Knaur People
dr hab. n. med. i n. o zdr. Tomasz Kolanowski
Department of Molecular Pathology
- mgr Anastasiia Kompaniiets Department of Molecular Pathology
mgr Maria Kosmalska
Department of Molecular and Clinical Genetics
dr n. med. Magdalena Kostrzewska-Poczekaj
Department of Cancer Genetics
mgr inż. Ewelina Kowal-Wiśniewska
Department of Cancer Genetics
- mgr Agnieszka Kozakiewicz
- mgr inż. Alicja Kryszczyńska People
- mgr Mikołaj Kubiak Department of Molecular and Clinical Genetics
- mgr Katarzyna Kubinek
- mgr Amanda Kunik
mgr Katarzyna Kurek
Department of Reproductive Biology and Stem Cells
prof. dr hab. n. med. Maciej Kurpisz
Department of Reproductive Biology and Stem Cells
dr hab. n. med. Kamila Kusz-Zamelczyk
- Katarzyna Kuźniewska
mgr Katarzyna Kwaśniewska
- mgr Krystyna Kwiatkowska
- mgr Żaneta Lemańska
mgr Aleksandra Leśniewska
Department of Reproductive Biology and Stem Cells
dr n. biol. Antonina Lorenz
Department of Reproductive Biology and Stem Cells
- mgr Natalia Maćkowska-Maślak Department of Molecular and Clinical Genetics
dr n. med. Agnieszka Malcher
Department of Reproductive Biology and Stem Cells
dr n. biol. Barbara Mirska
- mgr Magdalena Murzyn
- mgr inż. Grzegorz Nieznański
dr n. med. i n. o zdr. Magdalena Nowaczyk
Department of Reproductive Biology and Stem Cells
dr hab. n. med. i n. o zdr. Marta Olszewska
Department of Reproductive Biology and Stem Cells
lic. Agata Picher
Department of Nucleic Acid Function
mgr Monika Pieniawska
Department of Molecular Pathology
prof. dr hab. n. med. Andrzej Pławski
prof. dr hab. n. med. Grzegorz Przybylski
Department of Molecular Pathology
- mgr Julia Przybył Department of Molecular Pathology
dr n. roln. Hanna Przystałowska-Macioła
Department of Molecular and Clinical Genetics
mgr Alicja Rabiasz
Department of Molecular and Clinical Genetics
- mgr Alicja Radajewska
dr n. med. i n. o zdr. Karolina Rassek
Department of Molecular Pathology
dr hab. n. med. Natalia Rozwadowska
Department of Molecular Pathology
- mgr Monika Rusiłowska
- Ewa Rutkiewicz Department of Molecular and Clinical Genetics
- dr n. med. Marcin Sajek
mgr Greta Sawicz
Department of Cancer Genetics
- mgr Daniel Sikora Department of Cancer Genetics
mgr Łukasz Skibiński
Department of Molecular Pathology
dr hab. n. med. i n. o zdr. Marzena Skrzypczak-Zielińska
Department of Nucleic Acid Function
- mgr Natalia Soloch Department of Cancer Genetics
dr hab. n. med. Ewa Strauss, prof IGC PAN
- dr n. biol. Weronika Sura Department of Cancer Genetics
- dr n. chem. Joanna Suszyńska-Zajczyk People
- mgr Marcin Szuman People
mgr inż. Małgorzata Ślusarska
Department of Reproductive Biology and Stem Cells
dr n. med. Maciej Śmiałek
dr n. med. i n. o zdr. Joanna Świerkowska-Janc
Department of Cancer Genetics
- mgr Adam Ustaszewski Department of Cancer Genetics
- prof. dr hab. n. med. Małgorzata Wierzbicka Department of Cancer Genetics
- Przemysław Witaszak
dr n. chem. Tomasz Woźniak
- mgr Alicja Wysocka Department of Cancer Genetics
- mgr Yahya Yozbatiran Department of Cancer Genetics
- Arleta Zachodnia
dr n. roln. Oliwia Zakerska-Banaszak
Department of Nucleic Acid Function
dr n. biol. Mariola Zawada
Department of Molecular Pathology
mgr Jan Zięba
Department of Molecular and Clinical Genetics
- prof. dr hab. n. med. Ewa Ziętkiewicz Department of Molecular and Clinical Genetics
dr n. med. Agnieszka Zimna
Department of Molecular Pathology
dr hab. n. med. i n. o zdr. Iwona Ziółkowska-Suchanek
Department of Molecular Pathology
dr hab. n. med. Magdalena Żurawek
Department of Molecular Pathology