In vitro gene therapy using Human iPS cell-derived mesonangioblast-like cells (HIDEMs) combined with microdystrophin (µDys) expression as the new strategy for Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMDI experimental treatment. 01.03.202307.03.2023
Deciphering clonal dynamics in acute myeloid leukemia in the context of the immune microenvironment. 14.02.202321.02.2023
NANOS1 RNP-Interactome: Generation of the study model by using PiggyBac editing of a Human Embryonic Stem Cell Line. 01.02.202301.02.2023
The gut microbiota phenomenon – how it revolutionized medical fields of science? 19.01.202319.01.2023
Transcriptome analysis of airway epithelium at different stages of multiciliogenesis: in search for transcript isoforms and miRNA expression profiles in primary ciliary dyskinesia (PCD) genes. 10.01.202310.01.2023