Seminarium poświęcone badaniom prowadzonym przez zespół Międzynarodowej Agendy Badawczej (MAB) – Laboratorium Medycyny 3P (ang. Preventive, Personalized, Precision). 07.06.202307.06.2023
Integrative omics and miR-143-4p targetome profiling reveal KSR2 as novel candidate oncogene in TAL1-positive T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia. 26.05.202326.05.2023
Engineered Heart Tissues (EHTs) for pharmacological drug testing and investigation of heart development. 17.05.202317.05.2023
Systematic genomic search for novel genes/variants for males with reproductive failure in consanguineous families. 19.04.202319.04.2023
Identification of two unannotated miRNAs in classic Hodgkin lymphoma cell lines. 12.04.202312.04.2023